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Hello loves! o(^◇^)o

Happy Monday, hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you do anything fun?
I got to see Shape of Water and I loved it. I may or may not have cried several times throughout the movie. >.> 

First off, thank you so much for your requests! I really enjoyed having something specific to tackle and I'm glad that many of your requests were things that I have never drawn before. (╯✧∇✧)╯I want to continue pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone and helping my art evolve by taking it in new directions. Your requests have been incredibly helpful so far, thank you for taking the time to leave them in the comments! <3

Above: Some new sticker designs I'm working on! I adore strawberries and I really want to make a dedicated sticker sheet that features sweet strawberries and buns. :3

A couple of characters I designed based on cherries. I always love drawing flouncy dresses~ 

And now onto your requests! :D 

If it wasn't obvious that I have no idea how to draw dragons I think this is proof enough. ^^;; It was really interesting approaching this subject though since it's been awhile that I've drawn something that is so far out of my skillset. It was almost like learning how to draw again and figuring out what kind of marks to put down on the page. While it didn't come smoothly, I think this is an assignment I want to practice on a regular basis. When you try something unfamiliar for the first time it feels confusing, but there's also a sense of liberation. I feel humbled to learn again and again that there's so much in this world that I don't know and likely won't ever know. And that ultimately, that is okay. <3

Thank you G for the request! ^^

A few of you had requested more Brigitte and I am happy to oblige! :D I'm starting to get a better idea of how I like to draw her (I tend to emphasize her thick brows, beautiful freckles and round face). Also? I love her muscles. 

Some Popplios (and a tiny Rowlett :'D)! I had a lot of fun with this. It took a few tries to stylize Popplio's proportions in a way that felt good to my eye. I'm happy with the big floppy ears, I think it looks extra cute. :D

Thank you Benji for the request! <3

Bit embarrassed about this one because I accidentally deleted the lineart layer I drew...but thought I should post it anyway! ^^;; I received requests to draw larger body types since the majority of characters I draw tend to be on the thinner side. I think she looks super sweet with the plants and flowers and I look forward to varying the body types I draw! <3

Thank you Salem for the request! ouo

My first time drawing Flame Princess! :O I'm not that familiar with her character (I've only seen a handful of episodes) but I wanted to give it a shot nonetheless. I want to draw her again this week and really deck out her gown with detail and warm glow~ 

Some environment photo studies! Gosh I love doing these, I feel so at peace just focusing on colors and shapes. It's nice having photos to work off of, but as I continue to practice I'd like to start building - almost like an image vocabulary - in my head and create my own environments. :D

Thank you Tim for the request! <3

Hope you enjoyed these sketches! If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it a go during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! ^^<3  

Have a wonderful week loves and remember to enter the giveaway if you're interested! I'm giving away lots of fun prizes so do check it out. :D Sending you lots of love and encouragement for this week~ 




Benji Choi

OH VICKI! These Popplio are SO cute!! Thanks for drawing him!!!


Aww, I love your strawberry girls! <3 I'd love to see something Harvest Moon related!