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Hello there! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

Hope your week has started off well! I've got a fun and well, let's face it, very pink sketchdump for you today. I had some health complications last week that made it difficult for me to work so there aren't as many sketches as usual. I'm doing better now so this week we'll be back to a regular amount of sketches! :D 

I tried out some new things this week. I've been finding ways to incorporate more graphic design elements into my art and I'm really enjoying it! I think it adds a unique dimension to artwork and can help elevate simple drawings and make them feel unique and more complex. As for the subject matter, I've been in a very romantic mood and repeatedly find myself drawn to pink, red, and hearts. I know week after week I say I'm continually trying to draw more of what truly interests me and that still applies. I think the art I make as a result feels more lively and purposeful and that - is truly fulfilling. <3

Above: A quick exploration of femme fatale aesthetic and playing around with layout. 

Two new characters I came up with who don't yet have names. I liked them enough, so much that I drew them twice. If there's one thing I know it's that they're in love. Simultaneously trying out new compositions and character movement. 

...Of course it's D.Va, is anyone surprised? In a way she's a constant I can reference to see how my style changes over time haha. 

One of my favorite Kpop groups Red Velvet has struck yet again with a fantastic track and concept! Their look in Bad Boy is so markedly different from their previous stuff, much more mature and badass...I love it so much. (ノ≧∀≦)ノI want to draw all their concepts though they're literally coming out with a new one every month I can't keep up haha. 

I hope you like this sketchdump! Thank you so much for your support, again and again I feel so humbled that I get to share my art with you. <3 Wishing you a wonderful week and before we part here's a little something to help you stay motivated....

"I am better than I was. 

I will be better than I am."


Sending you lots of love and encouragement always! 




Stash (-3-)

ahhhh those femme fatales are so good the knife the nails i love it!!! femme fatales are femme vigilantes are such a good topic the gothim city gals trio gives me life ~<3 wua you draw interactions so weel i love the lil blushes and smirks they're so well done and those fishnets!!! you always draw such a good fishnets i fight the urge to buy a million!! ah. my heart. those d.vas are so sweet i love that they feel like candid photos almost! ahhh i love your red velv pieces there always so well done what great job!!


aaa thank you so much anastasia! ;u;<33 i swear, reading your comments always makes me feel like i have a lil cheerleader rooting for me, you're so sweet! TuT<3 ahaha ikr? whenever i see a pair of fishnets i always want to buy them....even though they all kinda look the same lol.