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Hello there! ^o^/

Hope your day is going well so far~ I've got some recently completed artwork that I want to share with you. ^^ I've been really into lineart recently and it's been refreshing changing things up from the usual digital painting techniques. It's funny, I used to dread lineart because I was obsessed with making every line look PERFECT which...you can guess made it a painstaking process. I've gotten more comfortable with it though and have even started to enjoy the lineart stage! :D Oh how life continually surprises us...

Above: Fanart of one of my favorite musician's mascot, City Girl! Their music is so calming and emotional in the most perfect way and I wanted to draw City Girl in a similarly chill environment. Just pluckin' away and workin' on music~ =u=

Some fashionable Widowmakers! I really wanted to dress her up in some classic French/Parisian styles to represent her background. I think she looks super cute and it's fun seeing her in softer styles that are different from her regular intense outfit. 

A piece based off one of my favorite New Order songs Bizarre Love Triangle! Do any of you listen to New Order or is it just me? This piece feels a bit different from my usual wheelhouse but I had a lot of fun working on it! 

Another sweet pink piece! I love the designs of Japanese drink cartons and wanted to incorporate that in a piece somehow. Now I'm craving strawberry milk haha~ @u@ 

Surprise! I recorded a speedpaint of this strawberry piece! I'll post it tomorrow, please look forward to it! <3 

I can't completely give up digital painting! I think it'll always be my favorite form of digital art, it just feels so freeing and fun. =u= Wanted to draw something sparkly and celestial and came up with this piece! 

I hope you enjoy these new pieces! ^^ Thank you so much for your support, I hope you have a wonderful day~ Much love!

 ❤ Vicki




These pieces are fantastic and I love them!

Stash (-3-)

ohh i love how crisp and soft the city girl piece is it's lovely, and those widows are soooooo ~mwua~ fantastic! i love love everytime you do casual widow art it's so refreshing! those big braids and cap look especially wuaa str8 through my heart ^3^ bizarre love triangle is one of my favorites!!! it's suchhhh a good song i could listen to it anytime! the piece is so cute i love how different the girls personalities seem too! ahhh strawberry milk is sooo nice (if you've not had strawberry kitkats i recommend them too!) and i love all the berries on the gal s'cute~<3 ahhh your star works are so nice but this one is just so lovely the choker and the freckles and the detail to hair it's gorgeous!!! the lil star clips, i love T3T


thank you so much anastasia! :D i remember those two pieces were my first ventures into a thinner style of lineart and i'm so glad you like them! ^-^/<3 hhhh cute widow is great widow~ i based the braids look off of a photo of kate moss and i think widow suits the look rather well! :D omggg isn't it such a good song? even though it's long i never get bored listening to it. are there any other new order songs that you like? ^^ also omg WHAT i didn't know there were such a thing as strawberry kit kats! o_o but they sound amazing...now i'm gonna keep my eyes peeled next time i go to a grocery store. >_>