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Hello there! ^^ /

Hope you're having a good day so far~ I had a bit of a rough start this morning, but things have continually looked up since then and I'm grateful to be awake and see the beautiful sun shining. :D 

With the start of 2018 comes our first monthly postcard! In my recent sketchdumps I've been talking about how I want to experiment more with lineart and I thought it'd be a good idea to incorporate it into a more detailed piece of art. It's definitely new territory for me (I'm so used to digital painting and not thinking about lineart) and required me to think about approaching the piece in different ways. But I'm glad I made the decision to push myself out of my comfort zone, even if just a bit, because it taught me new things about art and what I like to create. ^^ 

I learned that pieces with lineart definitely take more forethought and planning, but once you have a process down it's fairly easy to follow through with. It kinda reminds me of childhood and coloring books with teachers emphasizing to "color neatly within the lines" hehe. Who knew that that skill would come in handy down the line? :'D

Here's a bonus process gif of this piece!

If you'd like a Patreon-exclusive postcard print of this piece, make sure to change your pledge to $10 before the end of January! <3  

Thank you so much for your support! I hope you have a wonderful week and that 2018 is treating you kindly so far. ^^<3





This is so beautiful! I cant wait to get mine. Just curious, when do the ones for last month go out? And what size are these usually?


aaa thank you so much sierania! ^u^<33 they usually go out around the middle of the next month. i've had to put december's postcard on hold because the envelopes i ordered have been delayed due to recent mudslides in my area that have cut off the main highway for deliveries. ;; i'll make a full post about it tomorrow to bring all $10 patrons up to speed! postcards are always 4"x6". ^^


vicki this is beautiful i'm all╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ just looking at it!! it's always a nice experience trying out new things, and i think this really turned out incredible 💞 man i can't wait to hang her up on my wall next month


ahh diana thank you so much! TuT<33 it is nice trying out new things, i think it makes life more interesting! and i can't wait to send this one to you~ ^^