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Hello everyone!

Hope you're doing well today~ I've got loads of new art to share with you and I'm really excited about it! These pieces are all quite summer-y in tone and it's my way of celebrating this season and preparing for my transition into fall. In an unfortunate turn of events the weather is deciding to spike back up to 80 F + this week, but I'm determined to get into an autumn mood! I even broke out my fall candle and everything, a lil' bit of heat won't stop me! >:c Temperatures aside, let's hop right on into the art. :D

Above: I drew some of the Overwatch summer games skins! I've had terrible luck with the loot boxes so far but oh well. =u= At least I can join in vicariously by drawing them. :'D

These are a couple of outfits that I frequently wore this summer (+ a few accessories I wish I had). I do own the straw hat though, it was an incredibly lucky find at a thrift store. Straw hat = perfect summer vibes~ 

Fanart of Raven and Starfire from Teen Titans! Gosh, I loved this show when I was a kid and I always thought the Raven/Starfire relationship was so funny. Raven's always annoyed with everyone, but I feel like she puts up with Starfire who genuinely wants to make others happy. 

Cleaned up an old sketch I did back from when the cruiser D.Va skin first came out. Better late than never right ahaha? ^^;; I still love this skin (to be fair I like most of her skins) and still love the idea of a 50s D.Va.

Hope you liked these pieces! I'm really excited to start making fall/winter-themed art and drawing the cozy fashions that go along with it. Now if only the weather would do the same...+_+ 

Thank you all so much for your support, I'm really looking forward to creating more things to share with you! The Mermay zine will be available soon (I'm working on it I promise!) and I'll share updates with you as I go through the layout process and send it off to print. I've also got an enamel pin post coming up so lots of fun things are happening thanks to your support! ^^ ♡ 

Have a great day and talk soon!




Willow Scarlett

I love how you interpret these characters! So much personality :) and the outfits are adorable!

alicia esquibell

oooooOOOOooooh snaaap! Overwatch cuties. All three look so freaking cute. The summer skins are greatness~ I absolutely adore the summer looks. They are for sure a stype of style that I admire but when it comes down to it I dont think i'd actually ever wear it just because thats me being me XD don't know if that makes sense haha. The adorbs accesories are just the cherry on top :p but also I really do love those cherry earrings. Ahhhh, my nostalgia. Teen Titans! *starts to sing the theme song* Both look really great!! I have always thought their relationship was funny as well. YAAAaaaaaaAAAAsss!! Your Dva art blows me away every time. I especially when Dva looks like a pin up girl and such. It's perhaps a favorite look for sure. She looks so prettyful ♡♡♡ Can't wait to see your cuddly weather art!! Fall/Winter are for sure my most fave seasons. It makes me happy inside hahaha im ready for sweater paws and raaaaain!! Keep up the great work ♡


Thank you so much Lotus! ∩(´∀`∩) I get what you mean, it's like you appreciate it for its value and that other people enjoy but personally it's not really your thing~ I feel the same way about plenty of things. ^^ Though I agree, it's hard not to love the cherry earrings haha~ Glad you like the other pieces as well and omg YESSS the theme song!! Every time I heard it on the TV as a kid I would sing along and get super into it haha. And couldn't agree more, I'm so ready for fall/winter weather to come and do its thing. I'm ready for it to be cold enough to wear pants again!