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Hello everyone!

How are you doing today? / (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)\I've been working on and finishing a lot of artwork recently and I want to share it with you. I've been feeling an indescribable art groove lately though I know part of it can be attributed to a healthier mental space. I've made it a point to be more mindful of what things positively and negatively affect my mood and have consciously cut out the bad bit by bit. As a result I feel more focused and able to draw the things I actually want to draw. It's all a bit head-y and meta ahaha so tldr; I'm feelin' good.

The above piece is actually an old sketch from last year that I decided to clean up and give new life. 

I'm so happy I got to revisit this piece and look at it through new eyes. I spotted things I liked and things I wanted to change and got to see how I've grown artistically over the past few months. 

Oh yeah, I finished the lil' hanbok D.Va's! I think they came out super cute and I had lotsa fun working on them. I really do love this skin and am still (a bit) sad that I wasn't able to get it. It's just so poofy and adorable, what's not to love! / (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\

I've also been in a Harry Potter mood recently and love how the fandom interprets Hermoine. I think Emma Watson did a great job as Hermoine, but also love seeing a different take on her appearance. I'm quite fond of this version and wanted to try drawing her myself so here we are. ^^

Hope you enjoyed these pieces! I'm currently working on new stickers and washi tape designs and have a very exciting post regarding the enamel pins coming up soon. I'm so grateful for all of your support and am looking forward to doing bigger and better things for you all. Have a great day and much love! <3




alicia esquibell

Hello there! :D Glad to hear you're feeling good & that you are in a much healthier mental space. Ahhhhh- im ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ im so happy you chose to revisit that piece. Girl power cutie for the win!! She looks so stunning, colors all go so well together. *sees more Dva art & faints* ahhhh OMDFKFKGMG you already know I adore all your Dva art and this is just the cutest. She is such a cutie patootie in her Hanbok. Love, love, LOVE!!! I always admire how you make all the colors flow so well and sometimes in your art I see colors that I would never think go together and you just make them work and they just floooOOOOoooow so beautifully together. I really love that about your art! Also you know what? I never really seen many interpretations of Hermoine so you are opening my eyes with that piece you did and im liking :D Cant wait to see the new stickers and ESPECIALLY the washi tapes. I must buy some!! They'll all look great I just know it. I am definitely gonna look forward to the news about the pins, cant wait ♡


thank you so much darling lotus! ^-^ and aaa thank you so much I'm so happy you like the new pieces! :D I try to focus on color so it feels good knowing that the work is showing~ and I'm glad I can do D.Va justice and portray her as the cutie pie that she is. also same here! the first time I saw a darker skinned hermoine I was intrigued because she looked so beautiful and smart! and I can't wait for the new stickers either, so many fun merch items in store for the future! <3