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5/8/23 - If the video isn't playing in Patreon, click here to watch the video on youtube instead.

Hi everyone!

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend~ At the request of one of my lovely patrons (hi Diane!) I've filmed a mini inking demo to share with you all! ^-^ You can check out the video right up there and see how I use the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen in Soft to make some basic strokes. I cover how I move/hold the pen and how I make strokes of different thickness, a lil' intro-to course if you will.

Let me know if it was helpful! It's my first time filming something in months and I wanted to do it in one take/unscripted. I'm not used to filming myself so I was a bit nervous, but as long as it's useful that's what matters. :)

Some extra tips that I wanted to cover!

★ just to confirm, I mainly use my fingers to control the pen. The wrist stays relatively still, I tend to avoid moving it too much because I like the control and precision I get with my fingers.

★ to get wavy lines of varying thickness (thick to thin, thin to thick) just press down harder or softer on the nib. Try to do it gradually so you get a smooth transition between the thicknesses. This is the most I've ever said thickness in a paragraph haha.

★ I tend to lift the pen at the end of stroke so that it fades out gracefully. In the same fashion, I press down very lightly at the beginning of my stroke to fade it in smoothly.

★ and of course, try it out for yourself! Practicing with the pen is the best way to improve. There are many ways to use inking pens so feel free to explore them! I personally like smooth, flowy lines, but other techniques like cross-hatching and bolder strokes look extremely cool as well. Have fun experimenting! ^^

Thank you all so much for your support and I'll see you in the next post! <3




☆Vicki's Inking Demo! ^-^☆

in which I show you some basic strokes and how I like to use my inking pen. for Patreon patrons' eyes only! :)❤ doing things in one take is so hard omg ahaha -covers face in embarrassment-



thank you for sharing this demo <3

Stash (-3-)

love love a demo vid it's always nice to see! if you're ever thinking of doing a sketch process vid or stream i'll always be there!!


Ooh, sketch process vid sounds like a great idea! Thanks so much for your support Anastasia, I look forward to sharing more art with you! <3