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One new chapter of each story again this week.

Martial World is really good and going to bed earlier didn't help me actually write more.

I think part of it is that I'm not as excited by To Kill a Fox and Eat God as I am about Shadow of the Soul King. I keep finding myself thinking about the latter even when I'm reading another story and I've come up with a lot of good ideas.

To Kill a Fox and Eat God also has some more tricky emotional parts and, while that is fun, I inherently don't know the characters as well as I do in my long running series, so they are more difficult to write.

Still, I do have a tremendous amount of fun when I do sit down and write To Kill a Fox and Eat God, so I just need to force myself to do that more.

I'm so looking forward to the third line in that story which I think would be perfect for T-shirts and I've already solved the problem of how I can start the true climax even with sneaky characters.

I hope everyone enjoys the chapters this week!

--Thirteen Life Legion


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