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First, four new chapters of Shadow of the Soul King this week and I will likely be posting the first chapter of a book I won't be writing for years sometime today or tomorrow, as that first chapter has my favorite opening and closing lines that I've ever written.

Also, I updated the numbering to combine the previous first three chapters into one, along with the old chapters 6 and 7.

Second, I accepted a new job and will likely be starting sometime next month, so my posting speed will slow down.

I don't think I've put this information on the internet before, but I quit my job at Microsoft last year because I needed to deal with some long-term health issues, and, as I missed my family, I wanted to move back to where they lived.

I was lucky enough to fix my health issues back in February and I moved back to my hometown in March, which has been awesome. And I've really enjoyed having a break from software development and writing full time.

I do, however, have rent, food, and other things to pay for, so this chapter of my life, which I extended for several months due to just how much fun the writing part is, has to come to a close.

My new job is awesome. I'll be working on some really cool problems and everyone I met during the interview process is incredibly intelligent and nice, not to mention the office is in the perfect location. So, I'm really looking forward to it.

But what does this mean for you?

Tomorrow, I will be telling my free readers that starting next month I will only be posting one chapter a week, so, even if I write less, you'll still be able to read ahead.

You won't be getting as many chapters, however, and I didn't think that was fair as a lot of you have been with me for a long time. So, as Patreon wouldn't allow me to reduce the pricing of my tiers, I instead changed each tier's benefits.

Logical Summoner, the lowest tier, will now allow for reading 5 chapters ahead of the free chapters of Shadow of the Soul King instead of a week's worth of posts.

Contract Lawyer, instead of allowing you to read two weeks ahead, will now allow you to read all edited chapters of Shadow of the Soul King on Patreon, but won't allow you to read any of the chapters of the novels I might eventually want to publish traditionally.

Finally, Insane Crafter and Trolling Mentor will be staying the same.

I expect a lot of you Insane Crafter Patrons will want to move to Contract Lawyer instead, and I encourage it.

Yes, we are just about to enter into the awesome climax section of the current arc, and yes it will be epic, but you should not have to pay as much for it.

Thanks so much everyone!

Thirteen Life Legion

P.S.  I have children to help watch tonight, so I won't be able to be on the discord at 8 pm EST, but I will check it after they go to bed and try to answer any questions.

P.P.S. I forgot to mention that I also wrote over 3,000 extra words (either one chapter or two) of Shadow of the Soul King which I couldn't release yet because several chapters need to be written and released first. I got too excited about the chapter and wrote it early.



I'm bummed that the writing speed will slow down because this is in my top three favorite stories to follow - but I'm incredibly happy to hear that your health issues are resolved and I hope that you enjoy your new job!