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So, only two chapters this week. Sorry.

I'd been holding out hope RoyalRoad might let me back on if I asked again after a month, but they didn't, giving me the same stock answer they have this entire time. So, I asked them to remove my story so they would stop profiting from my work and they did.

About the same time, I checked my analytics and realized I haven't gotten a single new patron this entire month. Every single 129 of you have been with me longer than that.

The main problem seems to be getting new people to read the story on the sites I'm still posting to https://www.scribblehub.com/series/461729/shadow-of-the-soul-king-litrpg/ and https://www.wattpad.com/story/314195359-shadow-of-the-soul-king. The actual conversion rate of people reading to people paying to support me is ridiculously high--Thank you all for that!--but there's not much I can do to get new readers.

As a result, for now at least, my dream of being able to support myself as a full time author is basically dead. (I still want to live near my family, who don't live in the cheapest places, so, to be able to support myself, I at least need to make minimum wage.)

This, along with being exposed to COVID again and needing to quarantine, made me quite sad and I didn't write for three days, instead watching this entire TV show: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Rules_the_World_(TV_series) And it was quite good, having the same type of balanced couple who help each other as I like in my own works, albeit with maybe a bit too much self-sacrifice.

Then I started writing again on Friday and I felt much better, as I do really enjoy writing Shadow of the Soul King and will continue to do so just because it is fun.

I will, however, need to fully start looking for a new job, so we likely won't be having any more 6 chapter weeks. Sorry about that.

Also, I went back and updated chapter 153 to better explain why the main characters are participating in the War of the Chosen when it could potentially attract attention they don't want. And I updated chapter 155 so Diana wouldn't expose Aalam for following the path of the Heavenly Spark when Brom wouldn't have been able to tell on his own.

As a final note, I also plan on splitting some of my writing time over the next few months to also work on a novel I might be able to publish through a traditional route, a story I have named On How to Kill a Fox and Eat God.

This is a dark action comedy urban fantasy I'd finished the outline for around the time I started writing Shadow of the Soul King and I'll post chapters here when I'm done with them. You can expect the first few I finished a while ago later today.

Thanks so much everyone for your support! It means so much to me that I have over 100 people who like my stories enough to support me here and you are all awesome!

Thirteen Life Legion

P.S. 8 pm Eastern Standard Time I will be answering questions on the Discord again.



Small steps to reach your income goal but Im sure eventually you will reach it. As for getting more reach to audiences reddit as someone else suggested might be good short term or maybe tapas.io or webnovel.com which I see other writers publish there aswell

Andrew Robinson Leinbach

webnovel.com is owned by a truly evil company that doesn't respect copyright and I just looked at tapas.io and the top stories on that site are obviously stolen from wuxiaworld. I'd rather not have to deal with them.


Yeah, I dont really know them, just that other writers Im a patreon of, also post them there, a shame they are sketchy. Some also use Scribble thingy which you are using, I’ll definitely head there and give you views and reviews :)