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So, there were two main interesting things that happened with writing this week.

First, I've finally introduced a character I've been thinking about for a while, Epecteos. I hope you all will enjoy having a mentor character who I actually feel comfortable giving a POV.

And everyone should be thankful to ManguKing for taking his privilege of being able to help name a character very seriously. Through our interactions when trying to name the character, I've also come up with some really cool reasons for the Aerith and Bob nature of naming non-Earth humans and other races, so look forward to some good paragraphs of etymological discussions in a later chapter.

Second, as this story has been picking up readership, I got quite a few new reviews on royalroad this week. Some were insightful, helping me crystalize in my mind how my story is slightly different in genre then most power fantasy stories on royalroad, some were positive though I couldn't fully understand what they were trying to say, and one, my favorite, made me feel really good by calling out those people who've been giving the story 1 star or half star reviews, making my day.

I hope everyone enjoys the new chapters this week!

Thirteen Life Legion



I do wonder what kind of people give low ratings. I've come across novels that I've disliked before and I just comment in what I preserve as constructive and if need be I drop the novel or even the author, but I don't waste my time giving low ratings. It just ruins the experience to people with a different taste than mines.