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This week I got my first Trolling Mentor patron and that felt really good.

That person also messaged me saying it might be good business to offer more rewards for my patrons and that got me thinking.

You're currently getting my chapters as soon as I'm done with my edit pass on them, so I have no chapters to give, but I've been thinking for a while about allowing those patrons who've given a cumulative $45 the chance to name a character.

In chapter 109, I had to name a character who may or may not be very important to the story in the far future, so I decided to name him after the patron who's been with me the longest, Kemizle.

Kemizle, if you would prefer to have this character have a different name, please message me. Mainly, I just want to thank you for your support, as, if you hadn't become my first patron at the end of last December, I probably wouldn't have gotten this far.

Finally, for those of you other than Kemizle, I have several trunk novels you might enjoy. Most were written when I was a teenager, but I would be willing to post them here. Also, if you all would like, I could also post my current draft of the novel I've been trying to sell. It would be nice to get your feedback.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Thirteen Life Legion


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