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Hello, everyone!

I've still been thinking about book covers and I wanted your input on the following few ideas:

1) Aalam sitting in the background glowing purple as he advances a Law while Mila is in the foreground dodging three bolts from training robots with twin pistols in hand

2) A shadowy female figure holding two pistols dodging blasts from training robots in the foreground over an image of an open left hand gloved in the Left Hand of the Runescribe dominating the rest of the cover

3) A diagonally split cover with the upper right side showing Aalam sitting comfortably meditating in the alchemist shop of the third challenge or creating a plague with telekinesis and beakers while the lower left side shows Mila falling from a building while E ranks fight above her

Thanks to anyone who comments on this in advance!



I feel like these are all solid ideas where the artist will end up being the biggest factor on which ends up looking the best - I'd determine an artist you like the style of then get their more professional opinion on which scenario they think they can draw the best. I'm partial to 2 or 3 myself. I feel like the Mila scenario of 3 is more fun while I'm a sucker for the simplicity of background iconography creating a clean look (as you probably guessed from the last post on this topic). Generally, love the themes of Aalam just casually gathering power while Mila is running around actually working. Cracks me up haha