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The True Heavenly Court was a large floating hall hanging over the clouds on Haven, the main A rank planet of Kavon’s mother, the Lady of Laws. Made mostly of White Marble Quintessence, with large pillars appearing to support nothing rising over fifty meters into the air around its edges, the hall looked like it was covered in multi-colored flowering vines, but the vines were made of Flawless Emerald Filament and the flowers of other equally precious gemstones, subtly increasing the original cost of the building to be almost the same value as the entirety of Kavon’s own A rank world.

At one end of the hall was a large raised platform, upon which sat a short marble table in front of a backless throne, where one of his mother’s illusionary clones was now sitting. And similar tables and chairs, albeit slightly less grand, ran down the sides of the hall, Kavon sitting on the one closest to his mother’s right and his mother’s ancestor and former master, the Silent Shadow, sitting across from him on his mother’s left, the man’s dark hair, shiny black wings, and generally youthful look hiding how he was possibly the oldest living being in the Prime Material.

“I don’t understand why we’re not getting involved.” Wearing a white robe and sitting a couple seats down from the Silent Shadow, Carina the Wise’s blue eyes glared at Kavon as her white wings, folded up against her back, trembled in anger, causing her blonde hair to blow slightly in the wind. “These are C ranks with the power to kill A ranks, where one leader is a conqueror like the Endless Thunderlord and the other seems to be a Shadow Empress, the type of human every god has agreed should die.”

“Kavon’s pact with them seems reasonable to me.” Florian of the Swift Winds, his brown wings still but his sandy hair blowing slightly from his own windy aura, countered from across from her. “They’re already destabilizing the Thunderlord’s control over the Prime Material greatly. Even the Primordial Humans’ faith energy accumulation has been lessened by a ridiculous amount, something which hasn’t happened in forever.”

“Our faith energy is being lessened as well.” Carina pointed at Kavon. “The prince allowed himself to appear on the same level as the Heavenly Spark Soul King and that has affected all of our prestige.”

“But it is by such a small amount.” Uona, the Moon Flower, smiled warmly from her position next to Florian, her pale silvery wings still as her green eyes filled with amusement. “And watching Primordius and his children scramble is so worth it.”

“I’m with Carina on this.” Riminon, the Sword of Judgement, the last of the Messenger race gods in the hall and thus the last of the gods under Kavon’s mother with speaking rights, shook his head, his gray wings flaring out for a second before he again folded them against his back, an aura of steel and war emanating out from him as he looked at Uona with his silvery gray eyes. “Sure, her opinion is obviously clouded by her fear of what might happen to her if the Yin Yang Sage’s apprentice advances to B rank or higher, but her points aren’t wrong. And the very fact one of us has a blood feud with the brats should be concerning for us all.”

“It was considered.” Kavon took this chance to speak, his mother generally letting him run these types of meetings. “And it was my judgement that the short non-interference timeline they asked for was worth the data the Heavenly Spark Soul King could give us.

“First, even if they do rise to power, there is no true animosity between us which could cause conflict, unless of course we initiate it. Carina was relatively useless in the past and barely killed anyone the Yin Yang Sage cared about, so there is no need for any revenge.

“Second, their animosity against the Primordial Humans is advantageous to us, so we have no reason to get in the middle of that conflict, not to mention how the Thunderlord will almost certainly do everything in his power to wipe them out without us having to lift a finger.

“Third, the path the Heavenly Spark Soul King and his wife are on is nearly impossible to achieve, so they’ll die of old age in just a few hundred million years. During that time, however, we might have a second Spirit Smith on our hands, so, if we maintain good relations, it might be possible to gain new divine artifacts to increase our own strength with barely any effort.

“Finally, fourth, there’s not much we could do right now even if we wanted to, at least not without a ridiculous cost. The Heavenly Spark Soul King and all those under him with a shadow line uniqueness are all hiding in another universe, so only if mother personally moved would we be able to wipe them out, and that would expose our faith farms to the Eldritch Terrors.”

“The Mistress of Oaths and Deception already killed one of our A ranks.” Carina looked at the Silent Shadow, but the man just continued to eat the snacks in front of him.

Kavon, however, countered. “That A rank failed to follow orders and tried to join the war.”

“But the way she killed him, Kavon,” Riminon spoke before Carina could, his voice grave. “She used contract magic, karmic redirection, and curses, all from half a galaxy away. Her control of faith energy is already almost at the level of a god’s.”

“Yes.” Kavon nodded at the man. “And, in 20,736 years, if we somehow find an easy way to kill her the humans aren’t already trying to exploit, we’ll end her life.

“But this case is inherently different than with her thief ancestor. Her chances of reaching divinity are so much lower.

“She needs a supreme grade race at A rank, a supreme grade bloodline, an utterly ridiculous amount of primal energy, and then divine grade Laws and at least three divine roles. I don’t care how impressive she and her husband are. They won’t achieve that with all the gods of the Prime Material wanting to block them.

“They made too much of a show of their power too early.”

“It’s not her reaching divinity I’m worried about.” Riminon’s stared coldly at Kavon, his expression making it obvious he was judging him. “It’s the fact she and her husband will probably be able to start killing weaker gods when they reach B rank and will still have the ability to advance from there. There will be a lot of instability and, with master held up blocking the Eldritch Terrors, we might have to deal with a desperate Thunderlord, or the Divine Child taking advantage of the chaos.”

There were a lot of signs of assent from many of the other non-messenger race gods in attendance, and Kavon started to feel a bit worried.

“You made your deal with their force when you thought only the Heavenly Spark Soul King had the ability to fight across two ranks,” Riminon continued, ignoring the other gods in the hall. “And your reasoning made sense when he was a powerhouse and his wife was a weaker advisor. But the calculation is different if she can fight at the same level as him, with a method that might restrain us unlike his use of natural energy.”

“I gave my word. And I won’t go back on it.” The clone of Kavon’s mother spoke, appearing relaxed, but everyone else in the hall tensed up.

“Riminon does make a good point, however.” The clone smiled and all the gods relaxed. “He’s just missing an important data point.”

The clone looked out over all 17 of the gods who had gathered for the feast, the rest under her having other responsibilities.

“The Heavenly Spark Soul King is the runemaster truesoul. If he were to reach A rank, the undead could invade the Prime Material, possibly replacing the annoying humans with skeletons and zombies instead.” She shook her head slightly, disgust at the invading races in her voice. “But him just reaching B rank will raise the portal from the Eldritch Terrors’ main universe to the Prime Material to the divine level, which will allow Kavon to sneak in and work with my main body to open up the portal here to allow me through.

“Together, we will then eliminate the Terrors from the multiverse and, for the first time in a long, long while, I’ll be free to let loose in the Prime Material with my main body again.

“The powers of the Heavenly Spark Soul King and the Mistress of Oaths and Deception make no difference as they won’t have enough time to grow. And fleeing to other universes won’t help as they are souls of the Prime Material where I have primary domain.”

“All hail the Lady of Laws.” Kavon was the first to bow and slam his fist to his heart, and then all the other gods followed his example.

Chaos would soon come to the Prime Material, but they would be the ones to come out on top.



I really appreciate how they are all "the actual winning move has already been made", be it the primordial human ancestor or lady of law. Does Show them as actually having had experience and good at planning


Yeah this is IMO the most impressive thing this novel has done in a while, not to say other parts are bad though, just really impressed that the overpowered antagonists are actually competent unlike other novels