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They were the answers he’d expected, but Primordius was still a bit disappointed as he looked at Quandra Xar Ni Kemizle and Arthur Algebrute, the so called Lady of Laws and Divine Child.

Quandra was a member of the messenger race, the original intelligent race of the Prime Material, and, as her talent as a mortal had been with the yin and yang Laws before she spent her immortality raising her other elements to the divine level, the feathery wings growing out of her back alternated between white, gray, and black in a never ending cycle while her irises and hair did the same.

She was the oldest of the still living elder gods who ruled over the Prime Material, the multiverse’s only known Titanic sized universe, even older than himself, and she was the only native, only her abysmal control over natural energy keeping her from taking over the Prime Material herself, so it wasn’t surprising she wouldn’t help him, even after the resources he’d offered her. His grandson had also made some kind of deal with her, offering to share the data of his experience with the technique she believed to be her greatest achievement in exchange for inaction from her forces, but that was obviously less of a reason than the woman just being petty.

He really shouldn’t have ripped her wings off all those years ago when he’d realized he wouldn’t be able to kill her.

Arthur, meanwhile, had a true body which was some kind of nine-headed bird, embodying the Laws of sin, emotion, and absorption, a monster from a universe similar to the one the demons came from, but he now generally appeared in the form of a human child, specifically the form of Primordius himself as an eight-year-old, only with abnormally large eyes.


Because the man was a dick.

Primordius wouldn’t put it past the devourer refusing his request just because he liked watching all the mortals kill each other, but the bigger reason was more likely because the man wanted to eat his now monstrous grandson.

That was the whole reason behind the start of the new monster tutorials attached to apocalypse style integrations, Arthur having advanced to an elder god after eating the young chaos dragon who’d advanced to divinity with his own personal power, and Primordius was regretting agreeing to that change to the System.

His youngest had needed the core of a life aligned A rank planet to remake her womb to allow her to have children whenever she wished—something only the devourer could provide—but that investment had so far given incredibly negative returns and likely wouldn’t prove useful in the future given all the other gods now knew about it, not to mention how his grandson had somehow discovered and captured almost all of Bellessia’s offspring.

Still, it hadn’t hurt to try asking for one of the other two to vote with him to lift the punishment on his forces. It was possible Quandra could be feeling threatened by his grandson, so there’d been about an 8% chance she’d say yes.

Without any more words, Primordius then disconnected himself from the empty unadorned stone chamber the System always created for meetings between its administrators’ souls and returned his full attention to the giant portal in front of him.

The 500 kilometer wide portal which created the Endless Battle with the Undead in the Prime Material was nothing compared to this one which was larger than most solar systems, and, unlike the giant portal in front of him, it could only allow through gods, not elder gods.

The Primordial Thunder Universe, renamed after his own power as an undying stormlord, was where Primordius had been born and raised, where he’d pillaged, where he’d raped, and where he’d conquered.

Born to a clan of warriors, he’d excelled since birth, rising in power and conquering planet after planet, but then he’d been forced to flee from one of his universe’s three A ranks after he’d gotten a bit too full of himself as a B rank.

He’d luckily found a portal to another universe, also a material universe but small, albeit with a massive local population, and he’d spent the next several tens of thousands of years conquering it instead before returning to the Primordial Thunder Universe and gaining enough primal energy to become an A rank.

With the accomplishment of having conquered an entire universe, the control over natural energy granted by his royal uniqueness, and his powerful race, racial abilities, and oaths, he’d managed to clothe himself with a powerful second set of soul clothing—what those who grew up with the System now called a class—and this set of soul clothing had been unique, never before existing and never since matched until his grandson seemingly recreated his feat as a D rank. Then, with his power as an otherverse emperor and a thunderstrike warrior, he’d managed to conquer the Primordial Thunder Universe as well before waging a campaign of war and conquest through multiple universes, eventually arriving at and settling his people, his titans and humans, in the Prime Material, the one universe where he could enter himself yet not fully take over.

The Primordial Thunder Universe, however, was still the true core of his power, a place where no one in the multiverse was his match, so the Undead elder gods would have to be fools to enter while he was there.

If he were ever to leave, however, his lands would be fair game, so he was limited in his actions.

Quandra had a similar problem with the Eldritch Terrors on the border of one of her huge universes, which made it difficult for her to move directly to the Prime Material, and Arthur, unlike him, didn’t have an easy way to fight off the suppression of such a large universe like the Prime Material, so he was a tad weak to make any big moves, not to mention how the other two elder gods who’d risen from the human population in the Prime Material absolutely hated his guts.

Without the ability to freely travel, Primordius wasn’t able to control the other two human elder gods, but they were weak, completely unable to face either him or Quandra, so they stayed in line.

But if Primordius could ever move, could ever free himself from the issue of the giant portal in front of him, oh the things he could do.

Maybe if he allowed his grandson to grow, to the point others would expect him to take matters into his own hands, the old skeletons might believe it if he pretended to leave the Primordial Thunder Universe himself instead of just sending out a clone. Then a few of the bags of bones might stupidly enter into his domain and allow him to kill them, decreasing the resistance on the other side of the portal and allowing him to weaken it.

The boy, the so called Heavenly Spark Soul King, wasn’t any true risk, just an annoyance. He’d bitten off far more than he’d ever be able to chew, so he’d never become an immortal, allowing Primordius to just wait for his death. But, with one rank advancement, the boy might be able to kill a few of his children, and that could change things.

He’d already established a reputation as a berserker, so it wouldn’t be out of character for him to personally try and take revenge, especially if Arthur interfered to help the boy as he was already sure the snake would. But Quandra could be an issue.

Unlike him, she could return to the Prime Material for a few hours without risking an invasion of her other universe as the Eldritch Terrors didn’t have methods of bypassing runic protections like the Undead, and, as a native of the Prime Material, she could more easily strengthen portals from it to other universes than he or Arthur due to the universal suppression. So, at any time she wished, she could wipe out the Heavenly Spark Soul King and his shadows with relative ease.

Primordius himself didn’t care much about the shadows, most of his power personal rather than from his faith energy divine roles, but the other two were different, and he was a bit worried. Neither would be all that interested in killing his grandson, but his grandson’s wife, while also unable to become a god due to the same reasons as his grandson, they might see as a threat.

Given how insane Primordius himself had been for the first several billion years after his wife’s death due to old age, he could only imagine how his grandson would act if the others targeted her, and that might ruin his new plan.

Hmm, maybe he should act even more frustrated than he already was so the others would wait for him to somehow handle the situation and not ruin his best chance of being able to start a campaign of conquest for the first time since the fall of the Prime Material’s monster gods.



Oh? Honored, thanks! 😊