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Prime Consort (Empyrean)

You are your master’s agent and plaything, in body as well as soul


After entering into a master servant bond with a master of the same race and rank as you, if that master ever changes his or her race when advancing, you may change to the same race when advancing as well, even if you don’t meet the requirements

Seriously increase the benefits of dual cultivation with anyone of your same race

If your master is also your spouse, remarkably increase the strength of the bond between the two of you

Beyond its ability to allow her to advance her race along with Aalam’s, Mila had grown to quite like her bloodline, the reasons why it was originally created aside. The increased strength to her bond with Aalam was incredibly useful and, when they allowed themselves to truly open the bond’s ability to share their emotions, also incredibly romantic. They didn’t do so often as it felt exceptionally weird, mainly using it for a yearly deep conversation, but, if Mila before could easily reason how Aalam was feeling at any time, she’d now grown to know him better than she knew herself, and him vice versa, which was nice.

Also, the sex was still exceedingly good, the benefits to dual cultivation absolutely awesome.

Otherverse Emperor’s Consort (C-Empyrean)

You follow your husband, and in turn gain a shadow of his might


Your husband decides your skill slot usage for this class

Your husband may use any of your skills in this class for his own skill fusions

Free skill slots can be temporarily filled with a shadow of any skill your husband has

Gain half the effects your husband gains through classes, your husband’s choice

Stat growth equivalent to your husband’s stat growth from classes

Skill limitations the same as your husband's most powerful class

If your husband dies or you lose your position, you lose this class

You and your husband each gain a shadowed version of one of the other’s racial abilities

Gain 25% of the benefits of dual cultivation when within the range of your husband’s energy

Seriously increase the benefits of dual cultivation with your husband

Skill slots:


May not learn skills of the following categories:


Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: ??

Agility: ??

Endurance: ??

Toughness: ??

Vitality: ??

Perception: ??

Magic: ??

Spirit: ??

Soul: ??

Aura: ??

Attunement: ??

Luck: ??


The Prime Consort (Empyrean) bloodline, the King’s Consort (D-Mythic)

 class, has the status of main wife to a husband/master with the Otherverse Emperor (C-Empyrean) class, has the same race as her husband, has the same basic soulstructures as her husband

King’s Consort had advanced to Otherverse Emperor’s Consort when she’d advanced to C rank and kept all of the previous class’s extremely overpowered effects. She could still shadow all of Aalam’s skills. The class’s stat growth per level was still equivalent to the stats Aalam gained from all four of his classes combined. And she and Aalam could each share one of their racial abilities with the other. Finally, she also gained part of the benefits of dual cultivation whenever she was within range of Aalam’s energy, i.e. pretty much at all times, though now one fourth of the effects instead of one eighth. And it now increased the benefits of dual cultivation with Aalam even further, so it was even more overpowered for her daily life.

And this wasn’t even taking into account the extra effects from Aalam’s classes.

Double the effective size of all soul structures

Class slots +2

Remarkably decrease the soul burden of high stat effectiveness

Remarkably increase control over your Territory

Gain minor omniscience in your own Territory

Gain minor omnipotence in your own Territory

Raise affinity with all Laws by 700%

Remarkably increase control over qi, mana, and psyforce

Remarkably increase the normal flow rate of your qi, mana, and psyforce while also remarkably increasing their burst potential and ability to break down impurities

Divine classes generally worked by allowing a cultivator to rely on a god’s energy to make up for their own lack of talent, and, unless there was a particularly good match between the cultivator and the god, they were almost always weaker than the best classes possible based on the cultivator’s racial abilities and stats while also making it more difficult for the cultivator to advance at higher ranks. When B rank was reached, for example, divine power had almost no effects on the formation of oaths, and, at A rank, divine power was more of a hindrance to the formation of Law energy than a help. And this wasn’t even mentioning how, due to the way loaned power worked, it was almost impossible for a cultivator with a divine class to surpass what their god’s power would have been at the same rank.

For all intents and purposes, Mila’s Otherverse Emperor’s Consort class was a divine class without a god, different than more normal servant category classes like Isaiah’s Right Hand of the Otherverse Emperor in just how much Aalam’s power affected her, but Mila had several advantages most with divine category classes did not. First, she was happily married to her source of power, so her husband did everything he could to maximize her abilities, not limiting her in any way. Second, she had the exact same race as Aalam, so all of his racial abilities fit her, allowing her to even shadow Power of Order. And, third, while Aalam wasn’t a god, he was so overpowered for a C rank that the normal limits concerning loaned power just didn’t really matter.

Otherverse Emperor’s Consort was the most overpowered C rank class Mila had ever heard of, and it was a huge part of her power, her Hand of the King skill increasing the strength of her bond with Aalam to the point they could each cast most of their skills through the other’s body, something which was particularly of use for Aalam as Mila’s other three classes were all of types Aalam would find himself impossible to qualify for, most of their corresponding skills equally as unusable.

Take Heaven Hell Karmic Trickster for example, the class Mila had achieved by merging two separate Fabled grade D rank classes.

Heaven Hell Karmic Trickster (C-Empyrean)

You are an extraordinary cheat with power over karma, somehow both a devil and a saint


Remarkably increase the power of disguise category skills

Remarkably increase your control over the power of all bonds and contracts you enter into or for which you provide the magic

Remarkably increase the power of karma category skills

Remarkably decrease the penalties for creating bonds and contracts with those under magical influence

Remarkably decrease the penalties for breaking the bonds and contracts of others

Skill slots:


May not learn skills of the following categories:


Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 4,128

Agility: 5,568

Endurance: 5,568

Toughness: 4,128

Vitality: 4,128

Perception: 5,568

Magic: 11,040

Spirit: 11,040

Soul: 11,040 

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0


2 peak grade Law Pupae of the light and darkness elements aligned with the paths of illusion and shadow, 2 or more divine role Law Pupae at high grade or higher, has the Advanced Evil Eyes Diabolical Trickster (D-Fabled) class, has the Advanced Holy Eyes Angelic Trickster (D-Fabled) class, has the Superior Devil’s Contract (D-Fabled) skill, has the Superior Angel’s Release (D-Fabled) skill, has tricked someone out of at least a colossal amount of treasure for a D rank, has a colossal amount of karmic sin for a D rank, has a colossal amount of karmic merit for a D rank

Disguises, contracts, and karmic-based charm skills had always been Mila’s greatest abilities, and these were what her Heaven Hell Karmic Trickster class boosted. An extremely rare class in the universe given it pretty much required having Karma Controller or a weaker version of the sin eater line of racial abilities—and not the original class she’d been aiming for as she and Nana Xara hadn’t known it existed until her rewards from the E rank War of the Chosen—it was still somehow the most common of Mila’s four classes, yet it contained her most useful skills.

Karmic Eyes was the fused form of Evil Eyes and Holy Eyes, a powerful eye-based charm skill which allowed her, through the influence of her Third Eye Queen uniqueness, to subtly manipulate the emotions of anyone who could perceive her aura or looked at the area it covered, the emotional influence in the form of a curse or a blessing depending on her desires.

Given enough time, i.e. many days, she could even influence the emotions of A ranks in a way almost none would notice, and, according to Aalam, it was her scariest skill.

Ascended Artifact Enhancement, on the other hand, was less subtle, allowing her to boost the power of artifacts she controlled, and, as she was married to a future crafting god and thus had artifacts like the Twin Dragons of the Future Divine Queen, it was probably her most used skill in combat.

Ascended Devils Contract and Ascended Angel’s Release then were her core contract skills, one for making unfair contracts and the other for breaking the same. Each was both a karmic and contract category skill, gaining boosts from almost all the effects of her class, and, as a result, the skills were powerful.

Ascended Devil’s Contract could create contracts which would affect A ranks even though Mila was only a C rank, and she could even manipulate the contents of contracts with such powerful cultivators, albeit not to the point she could change the agreed upon punishment. Still, the ability to manipulate the contents of a contract with those two ranks higher was a very rare ability, something no other C rank in the Prime Material could do, and this had allowed Mila to trick quite a few A ranks over the last few thousand years using her life element aligned clone, such as Timmon Milthan.

For other powerful cultivators, however, especially ones which posed a greater risk like Sea Crusher Balor, Mila’d just used Ascended Devil’s Contract like a normal contract skill, relying on her other skills and abilities to help make the contracts more useful in the future.

Ascended Angel’s Release, on the other hand, was a contract breaking skill which became more effective the more unbalanced a contract was, i.e. the more it restricted one party and not the other. It was pretty much useless for any contract Mila entered into herself, as her Shadow Empress uniqueness would allow her to break almost any contract she personally entered into, or which Aalam entered into given their ability to share their energies, but it was incredibly useful for freeing cultivators from the restrictions of sects or armies they’d pledged themselves to so long as there were no oath effects getting in the way like in the case of Aalam’s master, so it was probably Mila’s best skill for acquiring new trusted subordinates.

And Stealth, which Mila had created by fusing her Shadow Stride skill with another skill during her C rank advancement, was one of the most standard skills in the universe for a reason, a disguise category skill boosting the ability of a cultivator or monster to not be noticed from pretty much all forms of perception, Mila’s version of the skill much better than Aalam’s as she gave it more boosts and had the corresponding perfect Law.

Finally, there was Heaven and Hell Divine Soul, the key passive skill of the Heaven Hell Karmic Trickster class, and a skill with three powerful effects. First, it allowed Mila to hold far more karmic sin and merit in her soul than normal, which would enable her to awaken an utterly terrifying new class once she reached B rank. Second, it gave her near flawless defense against curses and blessings, so long as she didn’t want to deliberately allow the effects. And, third, it seriously increased her control over curses and blessings of her own, something which was especially important given the skills of her third class.



Kinda amused her otherverse consort class couldn't really be improved from the D rank mythic version simply because you can't really improve it. Technically she could get all effects, but lol, that's craycray