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Heavenly Spark Triforce Adept (C-Empyrean)

Master of Laws and energy


Raise affinity with all Laws by 700%

Remarkably increase control over qi, mana, and psyforce

Remarkably increase the normal flow rate of your qi, mana, and psyforce while also remarkably increasing their burst potential and ability to break down impurities

Remarkably lower the difficulty of merging Laws with qi, mana, and psyforce

Seriously lower the interference from existing Laws when raising additional ones

Skill slots:


May not learn skills of the following categories:


Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 3,888

Agility: 3,888

Endurance: 6,480

Toughness: 3,888

Vitality: 7,776

Perception: 7,776

Magic: 6,480

Spirit: 6,480

Soul: 7,776

Aura: 3,888

Attunement: 3,888

Luck: 0


3 peak grade Law Pupae for each of the 12 elements, has the Heavenly Spark Tricrafter King (D-Mythic) class, control over qi, mana, and psyforce at the middle A rank level

Heavenly Spark Triforce Adept, Aalam’s final class, had been chosen based on his master’s suggestion, and it was a perfect fit for him.

Like with Heavenly Spark Tricrafter, it raised his affinity with all Laws, but by 700% instead of 500%, so, together, given how weaker class effects of the same type were halved when a cultivator had multiple classes, they raised his affinity with all Laws by 950%. Then the second and third effects increased both the quality of his energy and his control over it, providing more of a boost to his crafting abilities than his entire crafting class, which was awesome. But it was the last two effects, the ones concerning his Laws, which Aalam found the most useful.

The first, lowering the difficulty of merging Laws with his energy, enabled him to merge up to nine Laws into his skills at once, eleven when his Heavenly Spark Wings of the Emperor skill was activated, and, along with his control over natural energy, this was the main key for his ability to fight against A ranks. The second, however, was even better.

Aalam had thirty-six Laws, and, while the nature of his mental model of Laws reduced how much they interfered with each other by a lot, the sheer number of Laws made raising any of them quite a bit more difficult than if he wasn’t raising the others, and this interference was only rising as his Laws grew more powerful. With the last effect of Heavenly Spark Triforce Adept, however, this interference was reduced to almost nothing, and Aalam could raise his Laws much easier, mostly getting rid of the biggest bottleneck of advancing Heavenly Spark line classes.

This increased control over energy and Laws then also greatly affected the class’s six skills.

Triforce Kinesis, an advancement of Telekinesis which was powered by qi and mana in addition to psyforce, was much easier to control, Aalam able to use the skill to enhance all his physical actions while interfering with his opponents in combat and move materials in any way he wanted when crafting. Triforce Eruption, a berserking skill which caused his qi, mana, and psyforce to explode with power, put much less strain on his body as Aalam could control even the erupting energy. And Royal Soul Enhancement, a noble category skill which allowed him to use natural energy and triforce to reinforce his soul, temporarily raising the limit by which his Soul Lord Prince Battle Armor could increase his other base stats from a factor of 16 to 20 to provide a 25% boost to his power, could last much longer as well.

But where the effects of his increased control over his energy and his Laws really shined was in his three main combat skills, Royal Law Steps, Royal Law Armor, and Royal Law Weapon. Royal Law Steps was a movement skill, Royal Law Armor was a defensive skill, and Royal Law Weapon was a close combat offensive skill. All three were noble category, gaining the fourteen level boost Aalam gave to such skills; all three were purposefully designed to use natural energy, Aalam’s higher control over this energy type almost automatically able to make them stronger; and all three were of the Law type, their effects greatly modified depending on what Laws or combination of Laws were used in their execution.

Beyond racial abilities, class effects, and skills, however, Aalam also had an advantage over most C ranks in his uniquenesses.

Id, after he’d advanced to C rank and mastered his Ascended Multi-Mind and Ascended Multi-Core skills, had advanced to Divine grade, allowing him to boost his Magic stat by 1100% in addition to the same boost to his Endurance and Spirit. And, as his Soul and Vitality stats were higher than his Magic, Endurance, and Spirit stats even with such large boosts if his Soul Lord Prince Battle Armor wasn’t taken into account—which it didn’t need to be when dealing with the type of soul strain Id created—the negative effects of entering into the Id state were pretty much gone.

Then take into account the decrease in soul burden from his Otherverse Emperor class, and Aalam had spent the last thousand years or so in the Id state with absolutely no repercussions.

His Emperor uniqueness, as his Territory as a D rank and C rank hadn’t been much larger than his Territory as an E rank, hadn’t advanced, the Heavenly Soul Universe only about seven times larger than the former Territory of the Violet Mountain Sect, but it was still powerful, boosting all his stats by a factor of 6 when within his own Territory, i.e., for him, at all times. And his Soul Emperor uniqueness was still the same as well, boosting his effective Soul stat by 500%.

Law Wings King, however, he’d advanced to Law Wings Emperor, boosting his Agility stat by 300% instead of 200%, boosting his Heavenly Spark Wings of the Emperor skill by eight levels instead of seven, and turning his wings into an even more powerful Law focus for all Laws.

Aalam’s favorite uniqueness, however, was the one he’d managed to awaken in himself after a few thousand members of the Heavenly Soul Universe allowed him to experiment on them—most gaining a new uniqueness in the process with no injuries, only often not the one Aalam intended—Third Eye Emperor. A more advanced version of Mila’s Third Eye Queen uniqueness, it raised his effective Perception stat by 300% and added a new effect to his singular eye-based skill, Emperor’s Eyes of Analysis, turning the skill into more of a vision domain which, with a little work, he’d merged with his sensory domain. Most important, however, as in Mila’s case, it gave him new vision effects for every single one of his Laws.

Compared to Mila’s divine role Laws, the effects he gained were nowhere near as useful, his Laws of Passion and Tranquility the only ones to give him what could be called an ability, but the effects were still awesome. Together, his Laws of Passion and Tranquility enabled him to see the level of excitement in a living being much easier through their aura, even in auras up to eight times stronger than his own, and this was with both Laws being peak grade Law Scarabs. All the rest of his Laws, however, gave him an easier way to see the workings of the universe, and, while most cultivators wouldn’t find too much use in this, it was exactly what Aalam had been after.

With his 36 new types of vision, combined with his sensory skills, his ridiculously high Attunement stat for a C rank, his high affinities for all Laws, and his Law focus wings, studying the workings of the two universes he had access to was just so fun.

Vitality Emperor, the last uniqueness he’d awakened to which raised his Vitality stat by 500%, was just nowhere near as interesting.

What was incredibly interesting, however, was Aalam’s core.

Heavenly Spark Primal Purity Core [incomplete]: Increase the quality of all energy by one rank and raise affinity with all Laws by 500%.

Aalam’s core was ridiculously simple, with only two very basic effects, but, even in an incomplete state due to him not having formed the twelve subordinate cores in his twelve extra core containers, it was already the most powerful core of anyone from the Heavenly Soul Universe. The effect of raising his energy quality by a rank was just that strong.

The biggest difference between ranks was not stats, skills, racial abilities, or the extra benefits from cultivation at each rank, like C rank cores, B rank oaths, and A rank Law energy. It was energy quality.

With energy quality of one rank higher, stats produced more of an effect, skills were made stronger, and, most important for Aalam, artifacts of one rank higher could be used.

Aalam’s qi, mana, and psyforce were already of the highest quality a C rank could produce due to his cultivation technique being the best in the universe and of a very high level, but it had still been C rank energy, inherently different from the energy of a B rank in several important ways. The wall between ranks when it came to energy was just that huge.

With his core, however, even in an incomplete state, he was able to pass through this wall, boosting his combat power and other abilities by more than a factor of 12.

This was the last of Aalam’s C rank powers, but there were also the B rank boosts he’d already awakened to as well, his three oaths.

Oath of the Villain’s Clean Vengeance

You are not a good person, but you will hold back and wait so your acts of vengeance won’t harm the lives of innocents when you want to kill


Increase the speed of mastering skills by 100%

Increase the effectiveness of the Attunement stat by 150%

When training for revenge, the above two benefits are multiplied by a factor of 6

Should you complete an act of vengeance without harming innocents, there is a high chance of entering into a state of sudden enlightenment


Untargeted mass slaughter in the name of revenge will shackle your soul, the greater the slaughter the worse the shackles and the longer they will last

First, there was the oath he’d awakened to back as an E rank. Ever since Diana had been killed, he’d been training for revenge every single day, greatly helping with his skill mastery and Law advancement speed, allowing him to become as powerful as he was. And he’d entered into a few short states of sudden enlightenment over the years when helping some of his subordinates, such as Raven and Vanar, get revenge on those who wronged them. But, overall, Aalam would have preferred if the last two benefits from the oath had never been triggered.

Oath of the True Crafter

You craft because you enjoy it


Increase the effectiveness of the Vitality and Soul stats by 500%

Remarkably increase control over qi, mana, and psyforce

Remarkably increase the power of crafting category skills

While enjoying the process of crafting, there is a low chance of entering into a state of sudden enlightenment


Boredom during crafting will temporarily shackle your soul, the longer time before you become passionate again the worse the shackles and the longer they will last

Aalam’s second oath was a bit more fun, providing benefits to his crafting and overall energy control, but he was especially looking forward to entering into states of sudden enlightenment a whole lot more. Unlike completing acts of vengeance, he enjoyed crafting almost every day, so, even though the chance of entering into a state of sudden enlightenment was a lot lower, it was going to trigger a whole lot more often.

And, with Aalam’s The Zone skill, he could easily cut off any state of boredom he’d otherwise enter into, so the limitation meant pretty much nothing.

Oath of the True Scientist

You study the universe because you enjoy it


Increase the effectiveness of the Perception and Attunement stats by 500%

Raise affinity with all Laws by 700%

Remarkably increase the power of sensory category skills

While enjoying the process of studying the universe, there is a low chance of entering into a state of sudden enlightenment


Boredom during studying the universe will temporarily shackle your soul, the longer time before you become passionate again the worse the shackles and the longer they will last

Finally, his third oath was pretty much the same as his second, only for studying the universe instead of crafting, and boosting his ability to sense Laws instead of his control over energy.

Both had required a ridiculous amount of primal energy to form before reaching B rank, but they were worth it, and Aalam was looking forward to seeing them become even stronger once he actually made it to B rank, his cultivation technique making his oaths quite a bit more powerful than those of average cultivators.

Oaths, unlike classes, had no penalties for overlapping effects, so he was expecting some pretty overpowered results.

Bored, and feeling like he had to do something while waiting for the challenge to gain Camoran’s inheritance to start, Aalam pulled out several materials from his spatial storage ring and started the process of designing a new and improved matter/anti-matter bomb, one which, if he designed it right, might be able to rip a hole through a galaxy or blow up a B rank world.



At first I thought I was crazy, but checking my mail confirms we already had these chapters before.

Andrew Robinson Leinbach

See the comment on the new chapter 281. I messed up and reposted these old chapters 12 hours late. Patreon, as far as I know, does not have a reordering mechanism so I had to take these chapters down to put the new chapters in the right positions.