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This has been something that has been on my chest for years and I finally wanna get it out, regardless of how you choose to receive this confession, I totally understand, there are no hard feelings, just know I am immensely grateful for all of the support you all have given here on Patreon, and everywhere else, and don't for a second think I take it for granted.

I hope to soon come back to creating content here, but this time with a much more free conscious, and freer expression, if you all choose to stick around and be a part of it, again if not, I totally understand, I thank you for the times we did share, I just hope you all find it in your hearts to forgive me...~




Hey Miyuki! So first off I know I have been on and off with subscribing because of my financial situation and I have been like out of tune with ASMR and stopped watching it for a bit but I am back into it and I feel that I am now in a better financial situation and number 2 I am not mad at you whatsoever. Whatever you come out as I will support your decision. I am glad that you have brought this to light. No matter what you will always be the same miyuki I subscribed to. I always have loved your content and I always will. Keep being amazing!


you have brought peace and joy to alot of not so great days and your still the same Miyuki you are the person i look forward to listen to new audios from that isnt ganna change your still an amazing beautiful human being whos voice has truly brought peace to a very scared and fearful me u have nothing to feel guilty about.

Robert Liskey

You are respected and loved by the Old Tiger, I have been judged all my long life and feel for you. Your honesty is a rare quality and I admire you.🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


I haven’t listened to you since back when you’d post lewd content on YouTube and just recently came back so my word probably didn’t mean a lot but I fully support you no matter who you are