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Do you prefer MtF or FtF?

  • I only really like MtF 56
  • I like both, but prefer MtF 230
  • I'm good either way! 68
  • I like both, but prefer FtF 139
  • I only really like FtF 39
  • 2022-03-18
  • 532 votes
{'title': 'Do you prefer MtF or FtF?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I only really like MtF', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'I like both, but prefer MtF', 'votes': 230}, {'text': "I'm good either way!", 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'I like both, but prefer FtF', 'votes': 139}, {'text': 'I only really like FtF', 'votes': 39}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 18, 8, 14, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 532}


For those who don't know, MtF is "Male to Female", and FtF is "Female to Female" when talking about transformations or possession comics. Basically do you like the guys having the powers, or the girls having the powers? 😉

The poll is pretty much as it says on the tin, I'm asking because I very much started as a FtF shapeshifting creator, but because I've done a few MtF stories since I began, I was interested to see if my audience has changed or not...

So let me know! I'd love to hear any other thoughts in the comments too 💜

Much love,
Nexy xx



Well, as you know I only like regular female to female transformation stories, not transsexual ones. I really hope that you stick to your specialty, as there are plenty of other creators available for those who want gender transformations, but almost none for ftf.


Yeah I totally understand that, and I don't plan on ditching it entirely that's for sure! I've just been doing a mix lately and was interested to see what people think. FtF content will always be here! 💜


This probably isn't the most helpful answer — But I guess it kind of depends on the context. For example, I think that Bar Hopping 2 is probably one of my favorite comics of yours because of the way you did the MtF content in it. I especially loved the way you wrote Josh's acclimation of Amelia's body. Now, on the other hand, when it comes to comics like Soul Mates, I absolutely love your spirit hopper characters who have the ability to possess people AND alter the bodies they occupy. I'm loving Kait possessing Maya, but then shifting her head back to her own while continuing to speak with Maya's flirty Latina voice and accent! So again, probably not exactly the most helpful answer you could have gotten, and I'm only voicing my personal preferences, but that's my input. I realize you can't make everyone happy all the time, but you're one of the best TG/TF content creators out there right now IMHO, and I will continue to support you regardless of what you put out there. Honestly, its all excellent! 💜💜💜


I like both, but I think I lean more into F2F content because most M2F feels rather repetitive to me. It kinda feels like a *lot* of the stories follow the same pattern of a guy changing into a girl, then going through some existential crisis about their new identity, or they're forced into it as some sort of punishment, but then they have sex with that one special guy and they fully embrace their new situation. And in the meantime we get a LOT of introspection and naval gazing. Which, I get in some cases- people are exploring things and part of the appeal of this sort of thing could be the forced feminization, and better to do that with fictional characters. It just kind of gets very familiar after a point, and there's not a lot of variation. So for those just looking for the fun like me, my attitude becomes "Don't overthink the porn." That's why I tend to be drawn more to F2F, especially if it's about the individual becoming sexier and more attractive. It focuses more on the fun and thrill of the change rather than the more existential aspects of the whole thing, and is more about the celebration and fun that can come with transformations than it is about the personal relationships. I'm not a big fan of power being taken away from someone or someone being forced into a change they don't want, and F2F tends to lean more about the individuals having conscious control over what is happening to them and exercising their own power and agency.


Hahaha! I TOTALLY agree with that first half with how MtF is typically shown, it's not something I'm interested in either and you'd never see a comic like that from me, MtF or not! I personally think those kinds of comics are coming from a place of people who struggle with their gender identity and explore those themes through these stories (reading or creating), and as someone who's comfortable in my own skin, I'm just here for fun and antics like you seem to be! 😋 I think that last paragraph there is more to do with your dislike of possession content rather than FtF vs MtF, as you can have all those qualities in a MtF comic as well. I agree for sure that the themes you talked about are more common in FtF comics which is why they are associated, but I reckon there could be some fun MtF comics with those themes as well! 😊 A great example is my comic Bar Hopping 2 where both the male and female characters are doing it for the same reason, to fuck around and have fun in sexier and more attractive bodies, teasing each other and using their new forms to their advantage, all things that align with what you're talking about, but features non-consensual possession which is the theme you understandably aren't a fan of 🙂 In which case, I'm interested in if you've read my short comic 'Date Night', which is a MtF shifting comic but has similar themes as your typical FtF shifting comic? What did you think of that one if you've read it?


Nah, I reckon that's MORE helpful! These kind of things aren't black and white typically, and so polls like this are hard to gauge, but to ME your response indicates that it's less about MtF vs FtF and just about the themes and scenarios you enjoy most 😊 I'm honestly the same as you here, I can enjoy both happily, it's more the OTHER factors in the story that give it the kick I need. It's to each their own in the end, and I just know there are people out there that ARE black and white about which gender does what in a story (as shown by the people in the poll who say they ONLY enjoy FtF/MtF), so it's interesting to see where those people lie in my audience, as well as if there are more people who are black and white on it, or if there are more people who aren't as fussed, but still have a preference (which seems to be the majority here) So thanks for your insight! It's always great to see and hear your opinions, thanks for being so supportive over all this time PurpleHaze 💜💜💜


Yeah, I completely understand how these stories are a way for people to work through issues they may be dealing with, and I completely support those endeavors. It just gets a little messy when you mix in hard core sex or erotica with the material, which kind of sends mixed messages or confuse the intent. As for the last paragraph, it's not just regarding body swapping or possession, as I've seen a few TG stories where a male character is "Punished" by becoming a female, and forced to dress up or have their identity altered or erased. Again, for some that is part of the appeal. But for me it kinda turns me off. But unfortunately I see a lot of that. Heck, I really didn't start to see a lot of F2F content until Troubletro started doing Pink Benefits a few years back, which inspired me to do my thing. Not sure if that content was already out there and I was unaware of it, but I didn't really see much of the stuff about transformations being a fun concept till around that time and I started to contribute to the stuff myself. As for Date Night, I did enjoy it, as it hit upon themes I like and avoided themes I didn't. Again, changing or becoming female wasn't regarded as a punishment and the protagonist had full control over their actions. But I know my tastes aren't shared by anyone, and I certainly don't want to kinkshame others for what they find interesting, as long as it's not harmful in any way.


Ah yeah, that makes sense about the 'punishing' thing too, I'm not a fan of that either. Forced fem isn't something I'm into, neither things that are 'accidental' or if anything is painful, I like intention behind my characters, even if it's just to have fun! Oh, I didn't realise TTRO was your inspiration too! I honestly thought you'd been around longer 😆 That's so cool! As I've said before, you, TTRO and Jovian were my three inspirations to start myself 😊💜 I'm glad you enjoyed Date Night at least, I'm calling that a win either way!


I agree with MrInternetMan. Forced degradation and/or loss of identity is not my thing at all. I just like empowered seductive women who do not go too far into morally dark grey or black areas. That is all.

Boris B

Definitely prefer F2F because the theme of a woman trying to "upgrade" or try out something totally new really appeals to me. Case in point, I LOVED "A Flexible Marriage." An older woman taking over a younger, hotter woman to try and seduce her unknowing husband was incredible. There are a few women I know in real life who would jump at the opportunity to shapeshift into a better looking, but not necessarily younger in all cases, body for the weekend to have all sorts of fun. I'm also totally fine with darker themes, I usually prefer them, but never anything permanent. Probably why shapeshifting and hopping themes are my favorite. Get in, have your fun, get out, on to the next one.


Yeah, I think I agree with you on ALL points there! It seems you and me line up on pretty much everything in terms of personal likes 😉 Thanks! 💜


Thanks AverageJoe! ID theft is certainly one of my favourite themes too, so you're not the only one! I know it's not to everyone's likes as you said, but it's definitely a mainstay of Nexstat Comics 😉💜


It really just depends on the story. Some stories with MtF are better than some FtF comics & vise versa. Originality & a well-put-together story is what makes MtF or FtF either less or more attractive than one another. Personally if I had to choose, I do love seeing MtF more so than FtF, unless the FtF changes are drastic. Example; a petite beauty turns into a tall voluptuous woman. Or a white suburban girl turns into black stripper at the club. Drastic dichotomy is the sexy part to me.


That's a really cool angle you've laid out there, I didn't consider that drastic changed like that might be so appealing! Thanks for sharing 😊💜


I would like to see some FtM


I've got some in 'Something's Shifty' if you haven't read it already 💜