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Been working hard on the next Shifter Member comic, have some eye candy with these new characters!

Got Rachel up front there in the red, with Giselle and Eddie bringing up the rear in blue 😘
Who's your favourite out of these three?

The first drop of this comic will be early next week, and tomorrow we have the new drop of House Guest as usual!

Much love,
Nexy xx




Of these three, Giselle is my fav. Redhead, and still covered. That means more chance of surprises. Rachael is hot but she's already pushing the envelope. And Eddie is Eddie. It'll be awesome to see what happens with all these characters.

Jason Breslin

Can't wait to see what Giselle is on the lam for and, more importantly, how she uses shapeshifting to get out of it.


Haha, totally agree! I like the mystery of a clothed girl was weird as that sounds...


I assume you mean Rachel the blonde? She might have a few tricks up her sleeve 😘