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3 weeks postpartum

Astoria is still getting used to all the new things that her body is up to.

Her breasts, while were big before, are now HUGE in order to feed her growing babs. They'll over produce milk until her body gets more of a feel for how much is needed. With twins though, its likely they'll stay on the huge side.

Her uterus is still contracting back to its normal size, so she still looks a bit pregnant. It can take up to 6 - 7 weeks for this to happen.
Storys lochia is starting to taper down some. Her body's method of shedding extra blood and tissues that helped her twins develop in the womb.
this also takes about 6 - 7 weeks to subside.
(almost like those last two things were linked) ~_^




Love Story with the shirt. So cute :3