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Originally the plan was to go to camp Armstrong on the moon. a little 1/6th G vacation. Tabbithas passenger though (rudely) pointed out that that maybe wasn't a great idea. So, they're going someplace else out in the black.
from the view out the window, it looks like Asimov city, on Ganymede.
..they're getting a nice pic to commemorate the journey.!

Though, the crew was a little creeped out by Celesses 'void suit'. They watched it, and it watched them right back.
Eventually the captain said it would be alright (IE preferred) if they didn't wear their suits all the time. 

Don't worry, Tabbi's space suit is of a nano material, and can be on (or off) in an instant. The same can be said of Celesses, though hers lives closer to home.

I got a fair bit of this done last week - art block aside.
Most of it was the design of Celesse's suit. Its a living creature after all, and didn't want to be seen in public. I finally hit on something it didn't mind appearing as.
Its a little hard to see, but I tried to make the flared bits around Cels thighs semi transparent. So many layers. Looks okay though I think.



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