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📢 Dear Super Friends, it's time for a little break! 🎉✨ 

We've celebrated the holiday season with you, but now it's time for us to take some time off to recharge our batteries and get ahead on some amazing episodes for the new year! 🤩🎧 We'll be taking the next two weeks off, but don't worry, we'll be back with bigger, better, and more awesome episodes than ever before! ⚡️😎 In the meantime, we have some exciting Marvel television content coming up that you should already be getting excited for! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ 

And here's a request for our Super Friends: recommend your favorite Geek History Lesson episodes (along with your social media handles), and we'll give you a shoutout across our social media platforms! 👀😍 Thank you for your continuous support and keep on geeking out! 🤓🙌 We'll be back on January 22 to bring you more epic lessons in geek! 🎉🎙️



It goes without saying my love for The Moon Knight episode. But I also enjoyed The War Machine and and Doctor Doom episode. No socials anymore since I've left Twitter though


I don't know what it is about it but I absolutely love Wonder Woman in the golden age. Also let's throw episode 308 Donna Troy in there since I just listened to it not too long ago, wait... did a retcon just happen and I listened to it today? And I'd be remiss if I didn't say Legend of Zelda. Social is my first and last name on Instagram