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Hey Super Friends,

Ashley, here!

In our wonderful Discord we did two informal Book Club Buddy Reads last year (THE VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE & THE BLUE CARBUNCLE), filled with page goals and discussion inour #book-chatter channel and a voice/video chat in the Discord's first ever Voice and Video Channel. 

This year we're doing Quarterly Book Clubs! As you can see above we have two of the books already selected TIMELINE by: Michael Crichton (Jason's pick), and THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES by: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Super Friends' pick). 

Over the next couple weeks in the Discord we'll be:

1) taking suggestions from Super Friends on books to read
2) hosting polls for the Super Friends to vote on the two ??? Mystery Books ???
3) setting the schedule for the year (including video calls ft. myself & Jason!)
4) starting to read!

If you're not in the Discord we'd love to have you join us this year. It's one of my favourite places on the entire internet! Diego Anthony Nuñez calls it out "Clubhouse". Hope to see you there this year! Let's get reading!




This is awesome! How to join the discord? (I have no idea how it works)


If you're a member of our Mind University Discord (or higher), tier then all you have to do is create a Discord & include the username on your Patreon profile. Patreon then integrates the two & allows you access to the Discord as long as you remain at that level.