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Hey, awesome Patreon supporters! 

 As 2023 comes to a close, we just want to shower you with gratitude for being the incredible force behind Geek History Lesson. Your support means the galaxy to us, and we couldn't geek out without you! 

Now, we want to hear from you—what's been your absolute favorite episode of GHL this year? (Also, let us know WHY that episode is your #1)

Drop your thoughts in the comments, and guess what? We'll be diving into your picks live on Friday's INSIDE THE PODCAST STUDIO livestream! 

Get ready for a trip down memory lane as we celebrate the geekiness that made 2023 an epic chapter in our podcast journey. Thank you for being our geek family!




Episodes I enjoyed the most were Vampires, Mario Brothers, and Emma Frost. I enjoyed hearing about some non-comic subjects, and even though I have not read anything with Emma Frost, I'm confident I'll love her. I'll have to check some out over the holiday break.


I have to mention two. #448: Icon (Milestone Comics) - This was just a great case of I didn't know what I didn't know. Before this episode, I didn't know who Dwayne McDuffie was or anything about Milestone Comics. I instantly had so much appreciation for him listening to this episode. I loved the Static Shock animated series as a kid and always thought Icon looked so cool when he showed up in Young Justice. I happy to hear more about McDuffie coming up on Justice Pod as well. #449: Kang the Conqueror - "Gotta Go BACK IN TIME!" Enough said. I loved this bit and it has stuck in my head for every time anything time travel related comes up in my life now. When I listened through the Blue Beetle MEGA Episode, for the entire Booster Gold episode, I found myself singing out loud in my car "Gotta Go BACK IN TIME!" every time you mentioned time travel. (I secretly was wishing you might have edited that bit in every time.) I actually wish it was a bit that was continued for each time there was time travel mentioned in future episodes. My other honorable mentions would be Superman Blue, Akira, Emma Frost, and Indiana Jones (which I listened to in the car with my dad and he really enjoyed it).