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Hey Superfriends!

Get ready for a Geek History Lesson episode that's going to be more powerful than a speeding bullet! 🚀 We're diving deep into the iconic Superman the Movie, celebrating its 45th anniversary, and we want YOU to be a part of our GHL EXTRA episode for it!

Drop your comments and questions right here, and we'll give them the VIP treatment in our upcoming EXTRA episode. Whether you're reminiscing about your first time watching Superman soar across the silver screen or you've got burning questions about the making of this cinematic masterpiece, we want to hear it all!

So, Superfriends, assemble! Let's make this Geek History Lesson Extra a tribute worthy of the Man of Steel. Questions, comments, and super vibes—all due by EOD this Friday 12/1. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of our superpowered celebration!

Up, up, and away! Thanks!




I don't think I actually have a question for you, I just want to go on the record that this is still my favorite superhero movie. It's maybe not the BEST one, but goddamn it I DID believe a man could fly.


This was my first time seeing the movie and was pleasantly surprised with it. There were a lot of great moments. One of my favorites was when the Hoover Dam broke and the water went rushing down the gorge to wipe out the town. You could tell that most of the scene was a miniature but it was one of the coolest I've seen. My question is what's your take on using miniatures versus special effects on movies in the 70s?