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This weekend, the lovely Jeremy Skinner and I will be recording the next two episodes of JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE and we want your questions! Please leave them in the comments below.

Ask us questions like should the Joker ever fight the Justice League, should you date your teammates and...

the episodes S2 Ep 21 & 22 -- Wildcards!!

I want to fill up those comments! SO GO!!



With Joker being the poster child of chaotic evil and Lex being lawful evil, where do you like villains to fall in the alignment scale? What are your favorite villain tropes?

Tom Trainor

One thing I liked about this episode was the way the time and the distraction made a threat where otherwise the Joker wouldn’t be able to go against the league alone. Do you have any other favorite stories of an otherwise out of their league villain posed a significant threat to the Justice League? This is more for part 2 but do you think Hawkgirl can ever have a relationship besides Hawkman that lasts longer than the writer that gets them together?