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Hey Super Friends,

This week we released a Geek History Lesson episode on Cassie Lang (a.k.a. Stature, a.k.a. Stinger), the Young Avenger, which also happens to be the 450th episode of Geek History Lesson we have recorded and released. 

(I mean ... ~*~technically~*~ it is way closer to 800 if you count all the episodes of Geek History Lesson Extra, GHL Bonus Episodes, and Crossover episodes we've released over the years)

When we started podcasting we were reaching out to podcasting mentors (many of whom have gone on to appear as guests more than once since those early emails), the shows we admired were around episode 500. 9 years later we find ourselves in the position they were in for us.

Shout out to the podcasts our listeners have put out into the world since GHL (Books to Last, Power of Friendship, In Love with Movies, and more!).

There have been various times throughout Geek History Lesson's ... history ... where circumstances were against us. Each time we were honest with you about needing support in some way, shape, or form you, here, you Super Friends, stepped up and made sure we both had a forum to passionately advocate for The Fantastic Four, discuss the relative attractiveness of the Robins, and grow further obsessed with Milestone Comics.

Geek History Lesson would be nothing without you.

Thank you for believing in the show. Believing in us. And believing in this community we have all built together.

Your Professors at Your Mind University (and we do mean YOUR!), love you very much.

Here's to 450 more episodes!

Jason & Ashley