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Hello Super Friends,

Per the usual Geek History Lesson release schedule you are probably expecting a new episode to hit feeds this evening/tomorrow morning. After traveling internationally and coming back to an Omicron hot spot we are going to be taking a week off.

It's our third week off from GHL since January 2021.

And by "week off" we mean "recording the first batch of 2022 episodes"!

BEST OF will still be released, but since we'll be over a week into the new year by that point we're going to be releasing BEST OF 2021 for Patrons-Only & the main episode will focus on the new year.


Reply to this post with your answer of Movies/Television/Comics/Books you are most looking forward to upcoming in 2022!

Only replies to this specific post will get read in the main episode! 


Tom Trainor

If I could only watch one movie next year, it would be Across the Spider-Verse. If I could only watch two, it’d be a repeat viewing of Across The Spider-Verse 😂 As far as TV, I hope that Moon Knight finally makes me care about that character! Would love for this to be the next guardians and turn me around on a character


Happy New Year to my favorite podcast! For movies I’m looking forward to The Northman. I had no idea what I was watching while watching The Lighthouse, but I loved it. So hopefully I’ll enjoy this one too. Also, The Batman movie looks great. Shows: looking forward to the second half of Young Justice season 4. Probably my favorite DC show. And also looking forward to Jack Reacher and Jack Ryan. Books: plan to read the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson and the Jade City series by Fonda Lee.