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Hey Patrons,

Happy Holiday Month!

We’re in the middle of Hannukah, more holidays are coming up, Team Jawiin is travelling for Christmas and then we’ll be back in the HQ launching into the New Year. Marvel Studios is celebrating along with us with the launch of the Hawkeye series and Spider-Man: No way Home right around the corner. How are we celebrating? By releasing our DOCTOR OCTOPUS Geek History Lesson, of course! There’s no other way we know how to be festive than in the audio medium!

Geek History Lesson has been in full swing recently! The Mind University has been in full production on the 2021 DOCTOR STRANGE HOLIDAY SPECIAL. It’s completely in the can with one of our funniest guests to date … who may or may not be “Eternal”.

Geek History Lesson Extra in December features us talking smack on Spider-Man Villains, Fantasy Storytelling Talk, and Sci Fi Genre moments. Traditional Extra ep styles and new formats have been so much fun to explore.

… if the Big Wheel love from our WORST SPIDER-MAN VILLAINS keeps going we might have to add another character to our Mind University canon.


**Programming note: we will be traveling out of state for the winter Holiday.

“What about GHL, Jason & Ashley!?”

Thank you for asking. The same way you asked about American Thanksgiving last month.

There will be no interruption in our podcast release schedule over the December Holiday. Since we’ll be traveling out of the country we will be taking a week off in January as our “break” and in order to catch back up on episode production.

In fact, we’ll be using that “down-time” to pre-produce most of what will be coming to this platform in the coming year. BIG and DIFFERENT things are coming for JAWIIN in 2022.

JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE was a hit moonlighting in the main Geek History Lesson feed. Thanks for all the kind comments from our non-regular listeners. We’re closing out our first year of production along with the first season of Justice League: the Animated Series. “Knight of Shadows” is our latest ep to release and gave us a chance to highlight our love of DOCTOR FATE and the magical character DC has to offer in their canon.

If you haven’t yet read Jupiter Jet, Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio, Science! The Elements of Dark Energy, or Super Soldiers now is the perfect time to snap them up www.jasoninman.com/store. They also make wonderful holiday gifts for the upcoming season!

There’s been a lot of chatter about supply chain issues we’re sure you’ve heard in the big wide world. Outlets and brands are encouraging you to get your holiday shopping done early. Generally, we support early holiday shopping for the preservation of everybody’s mental health. BUT ALSO: buying from a small business - like JAWIIN - negates all international supply chain issues. Just saying!

This is your monthly reminder: If you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO! and liked it - or if you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO and did not like it - please leave a review:


Don’t forget to follow Jason and Ashley while you’re there! If you like the “What We’re Reading” section of JASON & ASHLEY’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURES then you are going to love following us on GoodReads!

The latest Jason and Ashley’s Excellent Adventures dropped last week. It is a Patron-prompted query about how we got into Collecting Action Figures. If you’re not a member of our JAWIIN DISCORD this episode inspired an ACTION FIGURE SPOTLIGHT channel where everyone is showing out their collections and enabling our collector mentalities. Learn the mythos of Jason’s Superman Collection & Ashley’s Robin Collection on the ep then come over to Discord to see them!

Secret Mail Level patrons are getting POSTERS as big colorful send offs to end their year of Super Friendship! Poster Tubes went into the mail last weekend, so if you peeped out our Lens feed you were able to see some of the posters going out. If you are a Secret Mail Level Super Friend cross your fingers you get the one that catches your eye!

Whatever you celebrate at the end of the year - even if it’s nothing - we hope you think of this space as celebrating you and the things you love most. Your friendship has helped us get the JUPITER JET series another Ringo Award nomination, launch #JusticePod, and SO MUCH MOAR! You are an important part of our team and we couldn’t do any of this fun stuff without you.

Happy Holidays, Super Friends!

Thank you

Jason Inman



Thanks for all your hard work and this wonderful update. Love you both! Happy holidays to you!