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Hey Superfriends, 

This weekend, we will record the new Doctor Strange Holiday Special episode for GHL, and it may or may not contain nuptials for Clea and Stephen. (No spoilers... yet!)

We'd love to include a few of your questions for Doctor Strange and Clea in the episode! So comment below with your questions for this magical couple -- ONLY the BEST ONES will make it into the episode. Please make it short, weird and STRANGE!

Get to typing!

DEADLINE is FRI 12/3. 



Is there anything the Eye of Agamoto can't see?


Hey guys! So… I think I made your hangout self-destruct last time for some reason? Weird! So last time I asked about a super cute and seasonal Holiday Card I got, and I’m glad to say everything worked out and now I’m in a super stable relationship with an extra-dimensional creature! They make me breakfast every morning and chant indescribable nightmares during the day! It’s the dream, right? So what I wanted to ask is… how do I pop the question? And perhaps more importantly: How do I know when I’m ready to pop the question?