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Hey Patrons,

Happy American Thanksgiving Month!

It’s almost time for a new Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie. “Nature is healing itself” and we’re about to get our third MCU installment of the year. To mark the occasion we have a GEEK HISTORY LESSON on the ETERNALS in your feed right now (with guest Susan Damon), and looking at SPIDER-MAN on the horizon … we have a lot of exciting plans coming up at JAWIIN HQ!

Between ourselves we keep referring to FAR FROM HOME as “DOCTOR STRANGE 1.5”. Prepare yourselves for more Stevie & Clea jokes than you can shake a stick at as we march toward the end of the year.

Geek History Lesson has kept us very busy lately. More guests than ever abound at the Mind University. We gave another outstanding STAR TREK guest this week and a returning musical guest next week who we’re recording with this weekend. Tuesday we dropped another infamous SNEAK PEEK post where you can find out whose voices will be populating the Teachers’ Lounge in upcoming episodes.

Next week’s episode introduces a [REDACTED] giving listeners the opportunity to [REDACTED]. You’re going to have to listen when it release & find out!

Geek History Lesson Extra in November expands our Secrets series with pop culture talk, Star Trek predictions, career advice, and insight about working in the world as a professional geek. We’ve been having as much fun recording these Extra (sweary!), episodes as you all seem to be have listening to them!

Things have been tough for everyone since March 2020 when the pandemic took the world stage. Things have been tough for us at JAWIIN HQ as well. Since it is the month of November and this is the month we usually hold the JAWIIN CHARITY DRIVE FOR SERVICE MEMBERS, we wanted to let you know it won’t be happening this year.

Super Friends support is a big part of what makes the Drive possible - and has made it possible for 6 years. Due to family issue related to Covid we will be taking this year off. Real life has gotten in the way and we don’t have the ability to make the Drive everything we know it can be.

6 amazing years. Over $10,000 and millions of comics sent to heroes all around the world are some of the accomplishments we are most proud of. Next year we will regroup, redress, and hopefully be back up and running bigger and better than ever.

If you’d like to you can donate to Operation Gratitude any of the year & we encourage you to donate this year as if the Drive were happening: Donate Here! https://www.operationgratitude.com/donate/

Thank you for understanding

And thank you for anyone that’s donated in the past.

**Programming note: we will be traveling out of state for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

“What about GHL, Jason & Ashley!?”

We’re so pleased you asked!

There will be a small interruption in our podcast release schedule over the November Holiday. Since we’ll be traveling out of state a JASON & JEREMY episode will be releasing on the main feed in its place.

Fun fact, we’re going to be using this time to begin writing the 2021 Doctor Strange Holiday Special!

JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE is about to release our 20 EPISODE! Can you believe we have made it all the way to 20 episodes?! Back when this show was a series of messages back and forth with Jeremy and the Watch Tower we thought this was going to be a little project. 20 episodes felt like a long way off. Thanks for joining our Justice League and working together to develop bits, sound effects, and the spine of what the show is now.

If you haven’t yet read Jupiter Jet, Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio, Science! The Elements of Dark Energy, or Super Soldiers now is the perfect time to snap them up HERE. They also make wonderful holiday gifts for the upcoming season!

photo by: Cameron Rice

There’s been a lot of chatter about supply chain issues we’re sure you’ve heard in the big wide world. Outlets and brands are encouraging you to get your holiday shopping done early. Generally, we support early holiday shopping for the preservation of everybody’s mental health. BUT ALSO: buying from a small business - like JAWIIN - negates all international supply chain issues. Just saying!

This is your monthly reminder: If you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO! and liked it - or if you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO and did not like it - please leave a review:


Don’t forget to follow Jason and Ashley while you’re there! If you like the “What We’re Reading” section of JASON & ASHLEY’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURES then you are going to love following us on GoodReads!

The latest Jason and Ashley’s Excellent Adventures drops next week. It is glibly titled “GHL on GHL” based on a Super Friend question about how we started the show. We’ve told short version of this and for J&A we dive deep, reveal anecdotes we haven’t told before, and offer hard earned advice from the way we founded the Mind University. Maybe this is a biased statement, but of all the J&A episodes we’ve released this year - this one is going to be the best!

Secret Mail Level patrons are getting some swag from the archive - GEEK HISTORY LESSON TEA! If you’ve been a Super Friend since this earliest day of this patreon we used to send out GHL blended tea. With autumn temperatures dropping we’re sending something to keep you warm AND prose books to curl up next to a cold window with your warm tea. Mind University library vibes have inspired this month’s offering.

Thanksgiving can be a complex holiday to celebrate. We always encourage donating to and supporting the tribe whose land you may be occupying, donating time to those in need, and celebrating the wonderful, geeky things in your life. We are thankful for each and every Super Friend. You are a part of our family. Even if you’re not in North America, we are celebrating YOU this November.

Thank you

Jason Inman



I’m looking forward to the tea!