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Hey Patrons, 

Happy August!

We genuinely hope you are having a Happy August. In JAWIIN HQ this has been a pretty tough month mental health wise. For our Super Friends we try to keep things very positive whenever possible, but we also believe in honesty, so we wanted to start out and let you know where we both are at.

However, that doesn’t mean there are not incredible things going on!

If you cast your memories back to the beginning of the pandemic you may real we participated in the first Main Frame Comic Con? Welp, they’ve invited us back!

We’re getting up to a few really cool things including:

  • Saturday @ 11:30amPDT - Podcasting Tips from Pros (with Special Guest Tom Merritt!)
  • Saturday @ 12:30pmPDT - Jupiter Jet Spotlight Panel
  • Saturday @ 3:00pm PDT - Cullen Bunn Spotlight Panel (hosted by Jason & Ashley)
  • Sunday @ 10:30amPDT - Christopher Cantwell Spotlight (hosted by Jason)

We are currently working on a way to record some of these panels to include in the GEEK HISTORY LESSON feed in future, but that isn’t in place just yet. If you want to make sure you participate live (there’s a chat & questions & everything!), join us LIVE this weekend!

JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO is in this month’s PREVIEWS solicitations! 

What does that mean!?!?!

I’m glad you asked!

It means you can order JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO from your Local Comic Book Shop using this code: AUG201057

What does that mean for Kickstarter backers!?!?!?!

Check the email account associated with your Kickstarter account for the FULL DIGITAL GRAPHIC NOVEL in the coming days.



You will have access to it waaaaaaay before anyone else in the world.

If are you following our respective Twitter accounts (@Jawiin & @AshleyVictoriaRobinson), you may have seen us sharing all the outstanding press JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO has been getting including the debut of our BOOK TRAILER (shout out to exceptional editor Savage Sword of Adam for his collaboration with us), debuted on CBR.

Read the article & watch the trailer here! 

If you want your very last chance to preorder or get your hands on anything from the Kickstarter this is one of your final reminders: the JUPITER JET BACKERKIT PREORDER STORE IS LIVE!!!  

This means Non-Backers have an opportunity to get their hands on some of the Rewards AND Backers have the opportunity to add anything they missed.

This is your monthly reminder: If you read SCIENCE! and liked it - or if you read SCIENCE! THE ELEMENTS OF DARK ENERGY and did not like it - please leave a review:

Geek History Lesson dropped our CASSIE SANDSMARK episode this week. We recorded that episode all the way back in December of 2019 assuming we would have WONDER WOMAN 1984 to tie into. Next week we’re finally getting to the TOP 5 QUEER COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS which has been highly requested for quite a long time. We are going to be joined by the incredible SARA CENTURY! 

In our next episode of Jason and Ashley’s Excellent Adventures we chat about BEST MOVIES BEFORE 1990 in an effort to open up the discussion about why our tastes are what they are and the value in checking out content made before we were born. Be sure to share your thoughts on the episode post when it goes live!

Blackest Night Club is about to be 7 Episodes deep! The next MAILBAG drops this week and then Episode 7 comes out the week after. There’s going to be a ton of BNC content coming your way over the month of August. PLUUUSSSSS … for the OG supporters of #BlackestNightClub we are ordering our bracelets/final swag at the end of this month. This should allow us enough shipping time to get the swag, package it all up nicely, and get it sent out to YOU by November when the series is wrapping up.

We’re finessing our moving video for the office as we are finalizing the space itself. The idea behind this was always to be able to integrate more GHL-related video content. Definitely something to watch for ongoing updates about.

Secret Mail Level supporters will be receiving GRAPHIC NOVELS from the JAWIIN COLLECTION this month! The final parcels will be in the post this weekend and making their way to you. Be sure to keep your Shipping Address UP-TO-DATE here on patreon, so all the goodies get to you safely.

Thank you for supporting all of our hair-brained crazy artistic undertaking. With JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO around the corner there are many more responsibilities (press, marketing), coming our way that isn’t as fun as making the art and telling the stories. Your enthusiasm is what keeps us going. Especially through strange times like these.

Thank you

Jason Inman


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