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His name was Oliver Queen, and for 8 seasons, he saved Star City. Now, that the series finale of Arrow has aired, we're going to take a look back at the show that birthed an entire superhero universe. 

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Cody Enos

Arrow debuted during my freshman year of college. I tried to keep up with it via CWs website, but man did I hate the first season. Dropped it after 4 episodes I think. Couldn’t get into any of the characters. After the Flash appeared I watched that. Watched the Flash show, and didn’t try Arrow again until it finished its 4th season. This time I went in knowing I didn’t need to think about it and enjoyed it (even though Laurel is one of the most frustrating characters) and then really enjoyed S2 before binging up until the premiere of S5 where I dropped it again after 9 episodes. Picked it back up with S8 and really couldn’t tell that I skipped 2 1/2 seasons. Arrow is a weird show. I like it, but it’s also really bad when it’s bad.

Cody Enos

As to my favorite Arrowverse seasons I think (from best to least best) my top three would be: 1) LOT S2 2) The Flash S1 3) Arrow S2


LoT was great in season 4 too! More Constantine really changed the show in an interesting way.