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Welcome to Jason and Ashley's Excellent Adventures! This episode is another in a new WE RECORDED IN THE CAR series! This month we are answering PATRON QUESTIONS about: Ashley's Immigration Experience.

In this podcast. we'll get a little more personal in this show and we'll tell you about our lives. Learn more about us than you want to!

And we cap off the show with a WHAT WE'RE READING!

Jason is reading: Wanderers

Ashley is reading: Birds of Prey by: Chuck Dixon vol 1 

Get both by clicking on the titles!




Wow I'm surprised that the process is so long and that expensive. Hollywood does not depict that process accurate at all.


This is the best episode of Excellent Adventure yet! So cool to get to hear about Ashley’s journey. So interesting- I definitely didn’t know the process was so complicated!


Paperwork and meetings probably wouldn't make for a very interesting movie!