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Hey Super Friends,

First off, we want to thank everyone so much for all the love and support you gave #CrisisClub when we launched our mini documentary this year! It was a project we were very excited to dive into a feeling very proud of now that we’re on the other side of it.

November heralds a lot of exciting changes for #CrisisClub that we want to go over with you:

The #CrisisClub enamel pins are in! You saw them in our latest #CrisisClub Mailbag Episode and we will be shipping out the pins as rewards to anyone who BACKED FOR ALL 10 MONTHS! If you came to #CrisisClub later you will have an opportunity to purchase an enamel pin for $10 (+shipping), in an upcoming Special Offer!

Next: #CrisisClub will continue … sort of! Remember a few months ago when we held a poll asking what comic book event we should tackle next? BLACKEST NIGHT WON! February will see a revamp and relaunch of this format known as #BlackestNightClub!

Get your copy of Blackest Night HERE.

(we recommend this version, specifically, because we are following the reading order as the omnibus is printed) 

Lastly #CrisisClub is coming to GEEK HISTORY LESSON. We know what you’re saying:

“Wait … what?”

“I thought this was exclusive”

And it still is.

We will be uploading PROTRACTED SHORTENED VERSIONS to youtube and Geek History Lesson. MEANING while Super Friends have access to 30+ minutes of content per each episode the version going out to the public are cut down to down to around half the time per issue, NO livestreams or mailbags, and NO additional swag.

You’ve seen the longest, purest, best version of #CrisisClub we have to offer and that will never change! 

But we wanted to be honest with you the people that supported, the biggest and best of the show. (Fun Fact: Many of you suggested that we double release it. So thank you for the idea!)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to shoot me a DM or comment!

Keep on the lookout for the wrap up of #CrisisClub and updates about how #BlackestNightClub is going to look moving into 2020!




Just outta curiosity, since their are fewer issues, are you going to be doing some tie ins from the omnibus? Or would it be the 9 Issues (including 0) and some breaks?


EXCELLENT QUESTION! Yes, we will be doing tie ins that are included in the omnibus. Right now our plan is to release a READING ORDER in January (videos to start in February), so everyone can know what to check out!