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Hey Super Friends,

You may not know this, but Youtube recently did a big update to the platform and changed a bunch of things. Since that's happened, we've had a lot of issues being able to connect Youtube's ability to livestream to the patreon.

Today. The day of our second livestream. It's not working at all.


There's not going to be a livestream at 5pm PDT, as previously announced.


INSTEAD. Ashley and I are going to record a mailbag episode answering whatever questions come in up to that time and have a more casual discussion about the future of #CrisisClub and CRISIS ON INFINITE EATHS.

Going forward we're probably going to slot mailbag episodes in place of the original livestream if things don't improve on Youtube's end.

Luckily, you still have some time, so you can leave comments/questions/theories/jokes on this post as well!

Thanks for understanding and for watching #CrisisClub!


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