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You heard our overall dissection of Game of Thrones in the main GEEK HISTORY LESSON episode, now we get into the nitty gritty of what was left answered or open ended.

- What does being a Targaryen actually mean?

- Did Arya really leave to colonize America?

- Who should have sat the Iron Throne?

Have a listen and see if we ask your biggest questions left in the wake of the Game of Thrones finale!




Yes! Do The Lost Geek history! Great show! Kate/Sawyer forever


My only detractor for Lost was the way they kept having The Others as ambigious bad guys. Good some episodes, malevolent in others. Ben should've been strictly a villian especially after killing Locke and his group should've been aiding the Man in Black in his scheme to leave the island. Juliet and Richard would be the only ones to turn good against The Others.