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Now that everyone in the world has had the opportunity to see Avengers: Infinity War we decided to do a review video!

The first few minutes are spoiler-free in case your schedule precludes seeing the movie until later and we give a clear warning (around minute 5 or 6), when we dive straight into SPOILER TERRITORY!


Avengers: Infinity War Movie REVIEW

Avengers: Infinity War Movie REVIEW - Our thoughts on Captain America & Iron Man & more! (SPOILERS start at 05:54) SUBSCRIBE and click that bell! ►🔔https://goo.gl/7wK8be Become a SuperFriend on my Patreon!► https://goo.gl/L8k2kP Listen to our podcast► https://www.geekhistorylesson.com/ PLAYLISTS FOR SHOWS The Flash Season 4►https://goo.gl/XQtRQr DCTV Recap► https://goo.gl/OVEWB1 Geek History Lesson► https://goo.gl/4Hrtfp Comic Book Videos► https://goo.gl/m6WNy4 The Flash Season 3► https://goo.gl/EpnFmD JUSTICE LEAGUE Explained ►https://goo.gl/KsK3dH



Great review 👍 Btw, just found out Red Skull was played by Ross Marquand, not Hugo Weaving. <a href="http://m.ign.com/articles/2018/04/27/who-plays-red-skull-in-avengers-infinity-war-not-hugo-weaving" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://m.ign.com/articles/2018/04/27/who-plays-red-skull-in-avengers-infinity-war-not-hugo-weaving</a>


All I can say is walking out of this movie I felt differently than I have walking out of any other superhero movie. Putting everything else aside, sequels, actor contracts and the like, in the moment this movie felt monumental. Time will tell if it’s impact will be lasting but it’s a heck of an achievement. All this coming from a DC guy who had been lukewarm on the previous Avengers films. Wow.


Yep, we learned that after the video was already released.