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Flashback to seven months ago. Inside a very futuristic warehouse filled with grey steel columns, definitely a warehouse that shouldn’t belong in the time frame that we’ve seen so far. Gabriel kneels on the floor holding Jacky and Chuck’s father with his left hand as his dead body is slumped over. Definitely need to make sure he looks dead, but this is a kid’s book, so no blood. Their dad looks skinny and has a moustache. Very similar to Roland Garros. (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/140515110440-roland-garros-aviator-4-horizontal-gallery.jpg). In his right hand, Gabriel holds Jacky’s compass. This is how it came to her. 

Behind them, beams of green and blue energy zoom by. We can tell there is some sort of fight that we don’t understand happening. This will make sense in issue 5!

(Also, if you want to play with the style of this to really make the flashback pop, go for it!)

1. NARRATION (GABRIEL): No matter how well I explain it, there’s things that you wouldn’t understand, Jacky. 

2. NARRATION (GABRIEL): Your daddy got involved with something much bigger than himself. A secret quarrel he shouldn’t have been in. 

3. NARRATION (GABRIEL): He went to the Nix Factory to help some people that day. And he paid for it. 


Gabriel put his hands on both of their shoulders and steps down to their level. 

1. GABRIEL: Your dad helping people is the reason why I brought home only his compass and not him. 

2. GABRIEL (LINKED BALLOON): I should’ve told you sooner. But, I reckon that I don’t have the guts that you two have. 

3. GABRIEL (LINKED BALLOON): Do you forgive me?


Jacky wipes a small tear away from her eye as Chuck excitedly points up to the sky. 

1. JACKY: Yes, Uncle. 

2. CHUCK: Would you look at that? A comet!


Their three faces all stare at the stars. Happy. We see a comet zooming by. Make this a big beauty space shot. The stars are clear and the sun is gone. 

1. GABRIEL: From the stars we came, to the stars we must return. How long we struck from the expanse no scholar has truly learned.

2. JACKY: Who wrote that? It’s pretty. 

3. GABRIEL: It was something your dad used to always say. 


Wide shot. The three of them collapse into a huge hug by the pickup on the street.  A big “Awwww” moment. 

1. GABRIEL: Enough of this malarky. Time for me to head back to the farm. Aunt Rosa will be missing me. 

2. GABRIEL (LINKED BALLOON): You scamps stay safe now, you hear?

3. JACKY: We’ll make good choices!

4: CHUCK: Tell Aunt Rosa to send pie!!




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