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hey guys so me n the bf r moving again! not too far from my old place.

the place is cheaper and bigger so its a huge upgrade! just wanted to update yall in case im not able to post as much in the next few weeks due to settling in.

i just set up the computer yesterday and was able to make my first lil doodle in the new spot!  still moving stuff from the old place so im still in transition mode. thanks for the love guys get ready cuz the mental space from this new spot is going to greatly improve my productivity!




Is that your bf or his fursona anyway? He's cute!


yeap, this is the first time ive drawn him in a sona tbh lol, he always says hed be a panda so i took the liberty XD and thanks yeah hes sexy af!

Common Bear

You’ve been throwing us lots of great stuff recently, take a well deserved break with your cute bf and breath my man. (Thumbs up)