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gotta get comfortable, about to be down there a while



Adelio Altomar

Damn, you make their dicks looks so nice! No wonder they enjoyed each other's dick pics and ended up in this fun situation. X3


These are really goddamn hot. I'm glad I've been saving on opening these


Hey is that bright pink/red a spit-slobber line indicator, or is he wearing a very ill fitting condom? I don't body or genital shame, but the only other thing it could look like is a very, very low cut MGM, which would be unfortunate and saddening. For all this talk about body positivity you still hear about female genital mutilation way more than mgm. That's so unfair 🥺😢


lmao no way That's not MGM or a condom you just has a multicolored penis is based on a real penis it just looks strange I suppose because he's a furry and the colors are very vibrant so it stands out a lot more than it would on a real penis


TBH is based on my penis lol just I am a darker skinned person so it was weird showing the split between colors while having the penis more red than dark brown like mine is lol cuz it split between dark brown and light brown so him being a furry you know the tip is red and then everything else being like a red tone does look kind of funny I suppose but I wanted to express that multicolored thing


A shit I'm sorry man. I guess I should've considered the whole dragon thing, hehe 😅 And I guess I was already primed into a negative mindset yesterday, sorry Your avatar has a lovely peen


lol no worries bud i just was saying is all. im not offended or anything its all guud