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sooo more comic updates coming in!!! sorry for the delay guys, i just went through a breakup of  years, so my motivation is lacking but im picking up and trying to stay busy and fill that empty space that was my relationship, he was a great guy and we grew apart sadly its tough but necessary for both of our happiness, it doesn't feel so great right now but i know with time ill fill that space with something new, ill always love him and hell always be a part of my pack! but we were just hurting each-others development after a while and holding on to each-other due to comfort but anyways thanks for the support as always! i really appreciate it in this strange time in my life! 




That does happen, sometimes. It's good that you both broke apart in good terms. That's always for the better. In that note, it feels sad right now, but you'll both grow from it and be happier later on. A good friend is always nice to have around. Big hugs. =]


I appriciate that! Yeah he's kinda pissed at me rn XD but I know he'll calm down later and we'll be great friends I wanna keep him close and support him however I can. the love will always be there I know that.