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hey guys, ignore the image above, i just wanted to put an image in this post. X3

-so ive gotten word that a few other patreon artists have been getting their page taken down for whatever reason, i havent heard anything twards my page personally but just in case ive started a Subscribestar page!


i have not yet uploaded anything as patreon is still my main focus, i just opened this subscribestar as a backup just in case one day you guys come to my patreon and its gone.

if that ever happens ill immidiately start uploading all my work on subscribestar so you guys dont miss a beat!! but again as of now patreon is my priority! thanks for reading and thanks again for all the support!! you guys are amazing!



Silver Kodiak

Yeah cause "nude Is bad OMG we ere living back in the 60!!" No thanks. 2024. Nude and sex are expressions of being human. If Patreon try some tricks it doesn't deserve you as artist and us as supporters.


I just asked all of the artists i support to switch to subscribe star, hopefully they jump ship because i don't want to give my money to Patreon any more