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This is one of many ways of making a top down run cycle. I chose this specific way because it's usually how I work and because it's the simplest way I could think of.

I usually focus on the 3 jump frames and 2 recover frames thing and then I try to connect everything by making secondary animations, like hair movement, clothes, etc.

If you need to, it's also possible to just make one jump and one recover for a super minimal animation, but it won't look very fluid.

Honestly I'm not very happy with my side view, I might study how to make that better in the future.

Thanks a lot for the support :D



Michael Watts

Thank you - What I like about this one is it makes the timings between the 10-frame and 4-frame one really obvious to me - I'd stupidly not considered that with more frames you want to run the whole thing faster because the differences are smaller. Probably why some of my experiments with more detail were looking awkward!


I mean 10-frames and 4-frames which usually would be assets in the game.