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After working on my current project, Scars for a bit too long I think I need a couple weeks break, so I decided to continue my series of articles "Pixel Art for Beginners". First I decided to port them from Medium to my website. That's way more work than I was anticipating, but it will pay off in the long run. I'm currently porting the 4th article (there are 7 right now).

My next step is to start a pixel art glossary that I can link my articles into it.

I got inspired by the brilliant glossary made by Dennis Busch and decided to make my own glossary as a companion for my Pixel Art series. The objective here is to make a "living" glossary that I can always come back and update, right now I only added 3 topics just to test the format.

Thanks everyone for the support!



Great format to enhance clunky pixel art skills like mine. Thanks for sharing you expertise with us. Keep up your amazing work.