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近期發現有人在 4chan ,pregchan或是bbw-chan公開我在Patreon和pixivFANBOX的付費圖...



這是個警告 : (

Recently, I saw somebody post my patreon and pixivFANBOX only drawing on  4chan, pregchen or bbw-chan.

Don't ever to do that again!

Otherwise I will quit DA, Patreon, Pixiv and pixivFANBOX. 

This is a WARNING. : (



Instead of deleting everything, why not just increase the price of access to art? People that genuinely care and support your work will pay the extra and people that just want to steal it will just leave.

Brandon Del Real

Another picture just showed up on Pregchan smh and honestly i don't mind paying more since i adore your art


Thanks for your suggestion. I just hope they are sharing my drawing from DA or Pixiv instead of my Patreon and pixivFANBOX.


Great idea! But this way all tiers must delete all plans and reset. Anyway, I will consider your suggestion.


Thank you so much! That's ok if they are sharing my drawing from DA or Pixiv. But if they are sharing my patreon and pixivFANBOX only drawing, this behavior is very disrespectful to the author and every sponsor.


i Love your art rly <3 and i have a idea, why make you not your artist name on the Draw? soo on background or next to the Girl ? it will you dont safe for theft , but all see where draw the picture.


on the upside i became a patron because i saw your stuff on 4chan


Thank you for your sponsor. I hope they are sharing my drawing from DA or Pixiv...