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Sorry for not being able to keep up with a daily update for the challenge.
Real life is getting in the way. On Thursday we had a visitor, yesterday I had a doc appointment and today is a birthday I wanna attend... Tomorrow I will chill a bit and on monday there is a dentist appointment.... I really don't know how other artists do this kind of daily challenge.
Either they work ahead, they don't have a life or dark magic...
I hope you are fine with me slacking a bit off and dragging this challenge into november.
Probably already said all of this before, but I do feel like failing the purpose of this event... that's why I apologize to you. ^^''
I could make it with only sketches, but this would feel like cheating hahaha

Thank you for rooting for me, sweeties and I am looking forward to treat you with another kink the next days <3



I'm sure sketches are exactly why other artists can do this. You can also just extend it to November, I'm sure no one would mind.


Its ok hon, you got life outside of the internet, we understand <3