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The majors son brought Oni back to his village and told his father he wanna marry him... I wonder why he lets it happen... 

On the other hand the majors son exploiting Onis naivity... This is getting toxic... 

I wanne close February with a lil treat for you to show my apprechiation for your support... Also this idea of the Oni in a... well let's call it wedding dress stuck with me ever since I drew the second sketch of him... 

Soooo... I hope you like it and thanks again for your ongoing support!

Looking forward to finish up the Duke Project for you next month






Aww~ ❤️ Look he's so happy he's crying tears of-... well oozing-... He's glazing Pre- on the floor with excitement of this glorious moment 🥰


I just imagine the their home is always shaking and moans can be heard from outside. Himbo hides away in the house cuz he's very shy about the other humans. Whenever the Young Lord ventures out of the house, he has a distended belly, reeks of oni sweat/cum, and is constantly leaking from his back cave. But I gotta wonder, does he share Himbo with the other villagers or keep him in chastity all for himself?~

David Po

A beautiful blushing bride! The envy of the village, no doubt!