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Oh my! Patreon sended me a lil review of 2016...

I am "more active then 95% of the Patreon community"?

Seriouse?! *feels so proud*... but wait...isn't a chatterbox something...neagtive? ^^'' uuuuhhhh....anyways.

Thank you my sweetys for makeing our Patreon-Experiance a very familiar one and a great success! You are all so adorable and I would have missed out a lot of fun, if I wouldn't have opened this site.

Especialy thanks to those who give me feedback in order to enrich our content, to the ones who comment on my work <3, those who visit my streams all the time, hanging out with me and have a great time and naturaly a warm, big, honest THANK YOU to those who pledge MORE then 5 bugs a month...I really need to think about something to reward you guys more!

Oh and...

giveing feedback is always an advantage for all of us...

even if you don't like a thing...just tell me and I can improve for you.

But make sure to be polite....There is enougth hatred on this planet...*I know....a lil drippy*

So thats that...I truely apprechiate your help!

Let's have a successful 2017, party people!

Love ya!





Congratz man :) if you do somthing for those who pay more you might wanna organize it carefully so that it doesn't be too much work for ya and then you will run into a circle that other patrons works fall into


Awe thx for careing! Well idk ....thought of doing something for those who pay more then 5 bugs but also will be available for all to enjoy... I really don't wanna leave someone behind...It already is pretty hard for me to lock up all the work for Patreons who pledge less then 5$... it's REALLY hard for me. Thx for the Congratz and the Advice! I apprechiate it honestly &lt;3